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My 1st Potato!!


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  • My 1st Potato!!

    I noticed that one of my Arran Pilot potato plants had a few flower buds forming and so decided to do a little furtling in the soil. I couldn't find anything to begin with and started to wonder if I'd planted the seed potato too deep, but finally I found a potato! It was only little, about 3 cm long, but it's the first potato I've grown, yay! Can't wait to dig them all up and eat lots of homegrown potatoes!

    I also noticed that some of my peas are flowering and one Kelvedon Wonder has a pea pod forming!

    I just had to share this with you all as I'm so excited now my veg is actually producing edible food!

  • #2
    That's great Jenegade!

    I'm waiting for my Charlottes to flower - they're earthed up to the top of their growsack, plants about 18" tall.
    My Kelvedons are only about 6 inches tall so far so I'm very jealous - I've got a bit to go.
    I've got lots of flowers appearing on my Sutton dwarf Broad Beans which is nice

    Enjoyed your blog by the way, especially the photos, very nice captures
    My Blog My flickr


    • #3
      Well done Jenegade. Yes it is very exciting to get the first early crops. But hang on to your excitement and let those potatoes grow a little bit more, that way you will get a bit more of them.
      Envy you the peas. I planted mine a bit later than I could have done (upheaval of moving house and making new garden) but mine will be along - soon please ! I just love them.

      The excitment never goes away Jenegade. Enjoy.

      From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


      • #4
        Yes, I'll definitely wait a bit longer for the potatoes to grow, I'm just happy that I actually have potatoes!

        My Kelevdon are only 6 or 7 inches high too, which is why I was suprised that they are flowering and forming peas already. It's so good when all that hard work pays off.

        Glad the excitement never goes way, although my oyfriend thinks it's funny how excited I get over a potato and flowers appearing!!


        • #5
          I hope that potato you found wasn't the seed potato you planted Jenegade ....LOL
          Last edited by johninblackpool; 23-05-2009, 03:33 PM.
          Cheers .... John

          Web link to our Allotment website

          PS my plot is 9 shown on the Plot Holders Pictures


          • #6
            Originally posted by johninblackpool View Post
            I hope that potato you found wasn't the seed potato you planted Jenegade ....LOL
            No, definitely not as big as the seed potato, or deep enough! :b


            • #7
              Congratulations!! I can't wait to try potatos, is it hard?
              "Hmm, that doesn't make much sense to me. But then, you are very small... I always liked going south. Somehow feels like going downhill."


              • #8
                Easy as easy can be helanuels!

                I waited til the spud had green shoots, planted in the soil and in no time at all - leaves sprouted.

                You mound up more soil at the bottom of the plant as it grows taller. When it begins to flower, the spuds are growing bigger and requires lots of water and when flowers wither, you can usually dig up plant and it's like digging for gold! Well....I feel that way when I'm scrabbling about in the soil and find large smooth pebble shaped spuds! It's a great feeling! Am growing some spuds in a rolled down compost bag and as the plants grow, I will fill it with more soil

                Happy growing

                When my cousin went on hol, I was in charge of keeping an eye on her house/garden. I found 2 uneaten spuds in the kitchen so I buried them in garden. Ever since, (it was a few years ago) she's always had potatoes in her garden!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Lemon View Post
                  Easy as easy can be helanuels!

                  I waited til the spud had green shoots, planted in the soil and in no time at all - leaves sprouted.

                  You mound up more soil at the bottom of the plant as it grows taller. When it begins to flower, the spuds are growing bigger and requires lots of water and when flowers wither, you can usually dig up plant and it's like digging for gold! Well....I feel that way when I'm scrabbling about in the soil and find large smooth pebble shaped spuds! It's a great feeling! Am growing some spuds in a rolled down compost bag and as the plants grow, I will fill it with more soil

                  Happy growing

                  When my cousin went on hol, I was in charge of keeping an eye on her house/garden. I found 2 uneaten spuds in the kitchen so I buried them in garden. Ever since, (it was a few years ago) she's always had potatoes in her garden!
                  Thanks so much, is the idea with the rolled down bag that u can roll up as you add soil? I love the idea of having to wait to see if its worked, like when you hint at a birthday gift and have to wait to see if people got it.
                  I also love the idea of a bit of sneaky gardening! fab!
                  "Hmm, that doesn't make much sense to me. But then, you are very small... I always liked going south. Somehow feels like going downhill."


                  • #10
                    Lucky you!
                    I am also growing spuds and peas for the first time this year.
                    The spuds are going mad with loads of leaves but no flowers yet so I'll have a little longer to wait I guess.
                    My Kelvedon wonders are also flowering but I haven't spotted any pods yet.....Soooo jealous! They are a bit bigger than yours though at around 1 metre tall.
                    It's all very exciting


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by helanuels View Post
                      Thanks so much, is the idea with the rolled down bag that u can roll up as you add soil? I love the idea of having to wait to see if its worked, like when you hint at a birthday gift and have to wait to see if people got it.
                      I also love the idea of a bit of sneaky gardening! fab!
                      It's really easy! I have some in containers as well as in the ground, using old compost bags rolled down. Earthing up is really easy, you just roll the bag up a bit and fill with some more compost. You should definitely try growing them!

                      Originally posted by Incy View Post
                      Lucky you!
                      I am also growing spuds and peas for the first time this year.
                      The spuds are going mad with loads of leaves but no flowers yet so I'll have a little longer to wait I guess.
                      My Kelvedon wonders are also flowering but I haven't spotted any pods yet.....Soooo jealous! They are a bit bigger than yours though at around 1 metre tall.
                      It's all very exciting
                      yeah, mine haven't actually flowered, but I saw the flower buds appearing, so thought I'd have a look to see if anything was growing, it's curiosity I guess, you can't se the potatoes growing but want to know if there are any!
                      I grew a few peas in a pot last year, started off later in the year as we moved house in springtime, but they shot up to a metre in a few weeks. The ones this year are still really small, but loads of flowers appearing! Hopefully they'll be growing a bit bigger over time. I still have loads of pea seeds to plant when these are finished anyway, I love freshly podded peas!


                      • #12
                        easy as peasy and cheesy

                        i say that with the authority of someone who is growing tatties for the first time this year!!!

                        but i've found it so enjoyable
                        i'm using rubble bags that i roll up as i earth up and the plants grow
                        just starting to get some flowers now and have been so tempted to have a furtle, but will contain myself (and my 2.10 son) until the flowers die away!!

                        plenty of water then!!

                        New Boy & Son Blog My Blog about a new gardener's experiences with his son

                        AND PLEASE CHECK OUT MY DEAR WIFE'S BLOG
                        Independent Minds


                        • #13
                          Well, you've done it now, Jenegade. You do realize that no potato will ever be good enough again unless it's a homegrown one? I actually felt like crying when we used the last of our last year's maincrop in February this year. Four whole months without a decent spud!
                          Into each life some rain must fall........but this is getting ridiculous.


                          • #14
                            does there have to be a potato gap?

                            New Boy & Son Blog My Blog about a new gardener's experiences with his son

                            AND PLEASE CHECK OUT MY DEAR WIFE'S BLOG
                            Independent Minds


                            • #15
                              Right, That's it, You've inspired me, Im trying potatos!
                              "Hmm, that doesn't make much sense to me. But then, you are very small... I always liked going south. Somehow feels like going downhill."


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