Help please! I know I put this at the end of another thread, but I am rather in a hurry to see if anyone has any ideas!
Sprayed my tattie leaves with copper sulphate yesterday to ward off any signs of blight.
Have got a bale of straw to cover them in readiness for next frost - trying to be prepared this time - thats if they recover from this time!
CanI spray them again - there is another frost forecast for this coming Thursday.....should I just cover them in straw, or spray them again just in case?
DDL many thanks for any tips/advice!
Sprayed my tattie leaves with copper sulphate yesterday to ward off any signs of blight.
Have got a bale of straw to cover them in readiness for next frost - trying to be prepared this time - thats if they recover from this time!
CanI spray them again - there is another frost forecast for this coming Thursday.....should I just cover them in straw, or spray them again just in case?
