what is the best way to water seeds and seedlings in the greenhouse ? we seem to have lost a lot through over watering
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watering seedlings
ditto no expert but seem to have good success rate (or good luck)
i put my pots & trays in large containers ie into something along the lines of the greenhouse tidy trays that are sold, I actually use a mix of old takeaway trays, lids from my recycling containers etc
On hot days about 7pm I water the large trays and allow the pots to suck up what they want - saves me breaking the seedlings from top watering and gives seedlings time to suck up some water overnight
Whatever water is left after about 10 mins or as soon as the top of the compost seems to be changing colour a little I empty out so as to not overwater
On dull / cold days I check the compost first - ifs it has retained mositure and next day isnt going to be a scorcher i dont bother giving any water at all, if next day due to be hot i have a quick check befoe work the next morning (so they dont rot overnight) - if the water is in the can already it only takes 2 mins in the am
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