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It's them again.


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  • It's them again.

    OK, I am looking for sympathy. the b@*%$!&s who pushed part of my wall down earlier this year have been at it again. This time it is by my gardman greenhouse. They have ripped the covering when the bricks slid down, and buckled the frame. Thankfully, no plants are damaged. Also, a kind neighbour
    has offered to store my toms while it is all being dealt with. As I have commercial toms amongst the dozen they need to be inside. some folk are really nice. Well, that's my rant. Thanx for "listening".
    There's pleasure sure in being mad that only madmen know - Anon

  • #2
    Little s**ts - early spring someone cut a 2foot slit in my poolytunnel cover, with my own screwdriver that they took from my shed.

    I was able to fix it with polytunnel tape and it's been ok but If it hadn't been it would of cost �150 for a new cover. I must admit I would have been more upset if my crops had been attacked.
    Last edited by marathon; 14-06-2009, 12:31 PM.


    • #3
      You poor things, why oh why do they do this when they don't benefit in anyway. It does make me mad !!!


      • #4
        Sorry to hear this - it's hard to understand why people do this kind of thing when they really have nothing to gain from it.

        I hope you get the damage sorted soon.
        My hopes are not always realized but I always hope (Ovid)


        • #5
          It's them again.

          Thanks grapes for your considerate thoughts and kind comments. You've cheered me up and pulled me out of my despondency,
          There's pleasure sure in being mad that only madmen know - Anon


          • #6
            Oh how annoying, what a pointlessly destructive thing to do.
            I don't blame you for being fed up, I would be livid!


            • #7
              It's them again.

              Thanx indigox. Is that your baby? Looks gorgeous.
              There's pleasure sure in being mad that only madmen know - Anon


              • #8
                Don't you just want to K*** the F******. I had problems once kids kept jumping in my hedge and destroying it they soon stopped when they hurt themselves, not my fault hedge got sharp and prickly

                you have a nice neighbour tho , not everyone is an As*****


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Topcat36 View Post
                  I had problems once kids kept jumping in my hedge and destroying it they soon stopped when they hurt themselves, not my fault hedge got sharp and prickly
                  We had that once, kids breaking in through a side hedge to cut through the garden. I looked out for the little sods and when I saw them coming gave the hedge a good soaking with comfrey tea.

                  They've not done it again
                  Urban Escape Blog


                  • #10
                    We have a community farm behind our house. It's a great place and one of the true bright spots in what is otherwise a rather nasty council estate. It's had terrible trouble with vandalism.

                    I can understand the kids nicking strawberries (if it's a "community" farm they probably don't think of it as truly private) but it goes much further than that. Someone went in last summer and yanked out every. single. plant. in the plots for disabled adults. It was like they were sacking Carthage. They did everything short of sow the ground with salt.

                    It gets worse... they also hurt the animals. They destroyed the fence penning in the ducks and geese and one of the ducks was found dead some distance away.

                    There have been many incidents of vandalism, and other times the animals have been messed with. Someone once got a bull from a neighboring farm and brought it into a pasture with a young heifer. The bull hurt the heifer. On another occasion, someone set a pony's mane on fire. The pony is OK, now, but is understandably afraid of people.

                    It's just horrible. It really is.

                    We are in a mid-terraced house. But, there's a close in the middle of each terrace and a walkway behind all the houses, so random neighborhood kids just run around back there. We've put a gate across the walkway behind our house and we're thinking about a gate for the close if the neighbors agree. (Share a key between us. We own but the others rent). This should cut down the amount of traffic back there.

                    There hasn't been any vandalism, yet. Before my husband built the fence back there, someone did take wash off our line and strew it around the nearby empty lot. But, nothing since we built the fence.


                    • #11
                      it's them again.

                      Gosh, I thought my wall was bad enough but some of you poor grapes have had much worse. My heart goes out to you. My final problem which I can't resolve, is this. The little s**** also tore my greenhouse cover. It's a gardman 6x8 green plastic effort. (Rollup door on the 6' side.) I can not seem to buy one for love or money. Gardman do not supply direct to the public and haven't answered my e-mail asking for suppliers. Anyone know anyone who supplies covers only. Thanks grapes.
                      There's pleasure sure in being mad that only madmen know - Anon


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by ann-the-nan View Post
                        The little s**** also tore my greenhouse cover. It's a gardman 6x8 green plastic effort. (Rollup door on the 6' side.) I can not seem to buy one for love or money. Gardman do not supply direct to the public and haven't answered my e-mail asking for suppliers. Anyone know anyone who supplies covers only. Thanks grapes.
                        Do you have an instore near you? Not sure if they would still have them as they tend to operate on a when it's gone it's gone basis for seasonal stuff, but I am fairly sure that our local store had covers in that size this year. I don't think it's gardman but presumably if it's the same size it should work.
                        Good luck!


                        • #13
                          My allotment is secure but my home garden I have had issues with, our houses back on to masess of fields, but our next door neighbour does not have a fence so kids kept climbing over the (next door neighbours) boundry fence and breaking into our shed.

                          So I constructed a 12ft fence at the point of entry and I accidentley (as I really cant hammer nails properly, honest) nailed loads of nails through the fence. And now store lots of spikey canes upright in that part of the garden. Since my fence was constructed (touch wood) the problems have ceased.


                          • #14
                            It's them again.

                            they've now been along the road stealing milk off the doorstep. Milkbottles abandoned in field behind us .
                            There's pleasure sure in being mad that only madmen know - Anon


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