I've got a fair bit of garden that is in the shadow of the house for at least half the year. It's where the drying green is and I can't get anything dry there from maybe the end of September to maybe April. So, no sun in winter and it's a bit damp (I just noticed the clothes pegs have greenish mold on them and I've seen a sheen of green on the surface of the beds, as well). However, in the summer, it gets plenty of direct sun.
So, it's not a shady spot because it's bright for half the year. But, it's dark and damp all winter.
What do you think? Are there overwintering things/late harvesting things that don't mind dark damp for part of the cycle? Or should I stick to things that grow between April and September?
So, it's not a shady spot because it's bright for half the year. But, it's dark and damp all winter.
What do you think? Are there overwintering things/late harvesting things that don't mind dark damp for part of the cycle? Or should I stick to things that grow between April and September?