I am a novice at growing your own. My husband takes great delight in the fact that I cannot keep anything alive.
Anyway I have thus far managed tomatoes, courgettes, squash, runner beans, onions and carrots. Not bad for someone who usually manages to kill the kids cress project......dont ask!
Now I have a few questions so here goes:
My runner beans are big but how big should I leave them before picking?
How do I know when to pick carrots and onions?
My jalapeno pepper plant keeps loosing its flowers, I can see the peppers but they just fall off any comments?
My beans have black things on the leaves?
I have been swotting on courgettes and know you can fry the flowers when is it okay to do this and can you do it with the male and female flowers?
Also I have planted a few courgette plants and did not realise they grow so big - duh
Now I have one huge one and the rest are still alive but not grown should I just leave them?
Hope you have some answeres, Krisztene
Anyway I have thus far managed tomatoes, courgettes, squash, runner beans, onions and carrots. Not bad for someone who usually manages to kill the kids cress project......dont ask!
Now I have a few questions so here goes:
My runner beans are big but how big should I leave them before picking?
How do I know when to pick carrots and onions?
My jalapeno pepper plant keeps loosing its flowers, I can see the peppers but they just fall off any comments?
My beans have black things on the leaves?
I have been swotting on courgettes and know you can fry the flowers when is it okay to do this and can you do it with the male and female flowers?
Also I have planted a few courgette plants and did not realise they grow so big - duh
Now I have one huge one and the rest are still alive but not grown should I just leave them?
Hope you have some answeres, Krisztene
