Hi - Can any of you gardening guru's suggest what's happened to my onions please. All was well on Saturday when I looked under the cloche ie: lovely pert healthy looking sets (planted in Oct) and this evening when I looked they were flopped over.
When I dug one up it was soft. I pulled them all up out of the raised bed and they were all soft and are now in bin. There was no sign of fungus. Very dissapointing to say the least. This is a new raised bed. It seemed to my untrained eyes that they've been waterlogged. Does that sort of thing happen to veg? Checked the spring cabbages in another bed and they seem fine. Have another set of onions - is it too late for planting them now. Here in Guildford it's still really mild. 12 degrees today.
Thanks for any help.
Thanks for any help.