Apologies if this is in the wrong forum......
So I'm in my second year of growing my own veg - and it's mostly going really well (aside from problems with those darned Cabbage Whites!).
Last year I planted some potatoes which I had just bought from the supermarket and I got a really good crop - around about 100 potatoes from the 3 planted so was very happy with that.
I have read that it's always better to grow from seed potatoes as there is less risk from blight and other problems, so this year I did.
I bought some potatoes (I don't remember the variety - I just know they were early salad potatoes) from Wilkos and planted them and have recently begun harvesting, expecting to get quite a few salad potatoes.
Unfortunately each plant has provided maybe 2 small spuds and 1 HUGE potato - which I don't think is right. They all seem to be a little green in places too.
What have I done wrong??????
Thanks in advance for any replies.
So I'm in my second year of growing my own veg - and it's mostly going really well (aside from problems with those darned Cabbage Whites!).
Last year I planted some potatoes which I had just bought from the supermarket and I got a really good crop - around about 100 potatoes from the 3 planted so was very happy with that.
I have read that it's always better to grow from seed potatoes as there is less risk from blight and other problems, so this year I did.
I bought some potatoes (I don't remember the variety - I just know they were early salad potatoes) from Wilkos and planted them and have recently begun harvesting, expecting to get quite a few salad potatoes.
Unfortunately each plant has provided maybe 2 small spuds and 1 HUGE potato - which I don't think is right. They all seem to be a little green in places too.
What have I done wrong??????
Thanks in advance for any replies.