The fence at the bottom of the mother in laws garden has fell down, well some of it has, the rest swings gently in the breeze
She wants something quick growing (not too quick I'll be the one cutting it
) and cheap. I was thinking about getting this - Common Privet (Ligustrum vulgare) 80100cm Bare Root 2yr old (1+1) pack of 25 - Common Privet (Ligustrum Vulgare) Hedging - Hedging
It's not thorny which is a bonus, also don't Privets grow quite quick and dense? Any better hedges out there? Or should I just go with that - Common Privet (Ligustrum vulgare) 80100cm Bare Root 2yr old (1+1) pack of 25 - Common Privet (Ligustrum Vulgare) Hedging - Hedging
It's not thorny which is a bonus, also don't Privets grow quite quick and dense? Any better hedges out there? Or should I just go with that
