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First newbie potato question of 2010


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  • First newbie potato question of 2010

    I have roughly dug over my Dads garden and put down cardboard and horse muck as a weed suppressant. I hear lots on here about planting through cardboard and I would like to do that with spuds come March.

    Question is will it work? If the cardboard suppresses weeds will my spuds grow through? Do I need to clear gaps? I am sure this is all really obvious to you guys but I haven't done this before Last years spuds were planted on nice cleared ground. So can anyone give me idiot proof, step by step instructions please?

    All advice very much appreciated, cheers
    WPC F Hobbit, Shire police

  • #2
    Hi Fiona - I used this method a few years ago to clear a patch on the lottie. Cardboard first then horse manure then black plastic. Then cut a cross in the plastic at each planting station when planting time - found that the cardboard was quite soft in some places so could dig through it and plant in soil underneath - in other places I needed to water it a bit as it's hard to trowel through cardboard! The spuds popped through no prob - so did a couple of weeds but many fewer than the rest of the plot - and needless to say the slugs were keen to move in too but they were swiftly followed by my fantastic slow worm friends!!
    Whooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?


    • #3
      a - choose slug resistant varieties to minimise the problem.
      b - put the card down and either leave it a while to soften up, or water it the day before.
      c- use a bulb planter to cut the card, and pop the seed potato in.
      d- plonk the contents of the bulb planter back in the hole.
      e - if you have any, once the potato is shooting up, earth up over the cardboard but you don't need to do this.
      f - furtle when they are close to being ready and take some of the spuds; leave the others to grow on
      g -enjoy a lovely warm potato salad; even better if you have some broad beans to pop in.
      Last edited by zazen999; 01-01-2010, 02:26 PM.


      • #4
        If you plant a spud under concrete it will break its way through so I reckon growing through soggy cardboard could be likened to putting a hot knife through butter!
        My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
        to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

        Diversify & prosper


        • #5
          Thanks all, thats really helpful. It will stop me lying awake at nights working out the logistics. Yep I really am that sad once I have something whirring round my head
          Last edited by FionaH; 01-01-2010, 04:12 PM.
          WPC F Hobbit, Shire police


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