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Help for a newbie


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  • Help for a newbie

    Hello all,

    After many years wanting, this year i am going to make a start to grow my own veg. I have a very small south facing yard that is all concrete/gravel so i will have to make do with containers. I love the idea of using a brown bin for compost and that is exactly what i have done. Could i get some advice as to what i can / cant put into it?

    Also, as i am on a very low budget, are catalougues the best place to buy seeds, are there any charities that help those of us a little broke?

    Many thanks


  • #2
    for your compost
    raw veg, grass clippings, hair, nail clippings, egg shells, leaves, weeds, egg boxes, if you have a paper shredder - the shredded paper, urine
    nice combination I know

    for the seeds, look out for offers thompson and morgan a a bit pricey but have good offers, also Lidl has a good range of veg seeds in at the moment that are cheap


    • #3
      I would also recommend Lidl for seeds at this moment. A good selection at about 50p a packet.


      • #4
        Shredded Paper!

        I would never had thought of that! I do make quite a pile on a sunday evening! If i go ahead and use the "brown" bin that the council have given me, do i need to drill any holes in it for drainage? A sealed bin would not allow any moisture to escape....



        • #5

          Originally posted by garrett
          Hello all,

          I love the idea of using a brown bin for compost and that is exactly what i have done. Could i get some advice as to what i can / cant put into it?

          Jaxom has created a "sticky" on the 'vine with all of Geordie's pearls of wisdom. In that section are the replies Geordie has generated to all the questions us beginners have asked him. I asked about compost a while ago and his post is excellent and well worth a read. In fact, spare some time to read all of the posts as they are extremely helpful.

          Good luck with the veg growing.

          Do what you enjoy, or learn to enjoy what you do - life is too short.


          • #6

            Have alook around and see if there is a seed swap scheme in your area, you might be able to pick some up there. Also, some allotment associations allow none plot holders to jon as associate members so you can get stuff cheap from them & you'll help their cause.

            For tubs, try your local pound dhop and get some big un's. I know they look like naff plastic but your interested in whats in them not what they are in.

            Never be afraid to try something new.
            Remember that a lone amateur built the Ark.
            A large group of professionals built the Titanic


            • #7
              Brown Bins

              Hi Garrett
              Don't let the Council see you drilling holes in your brown bin - they are intended to be collected and emptied every other week and the contents composted by the Council.

              British by birth
              Scottish by the Grace of God



              • #8
                You can make a compost bin from old pallets from the back of wickes or such like that could stand in a corner somewhere?

                As for seeds, Wilkos are doing a fantastic range of cheap gardening stuff at the moment - Growmore £1 a box! Herbs 39p! Also Aan Romans has most of the well known varities for 50p a packet and free delivery if you order so many.


                • #9
                  Sorry - Alan Roman I meant!


                  • #10
                    Painting containers

                    Thats a really good point about the cheap containers. Is it possible to paint them? At least they could be the same colour!



                    • #11
                      Hi Garrett,

                      Yes it is. You need to make sure they are clean first (soapy water) and then roughen the surface with some fine Emery or wet & Dry to provide a Key for the paint. Then an undercoat and a top coat of whatever you fancy. If you're really keen you could make them look like old lead containers or copper containers. I'll dig the recipe out if you want.

                      Never be afraid to try something new.
                      Remember that a lone amateur built the Ark.
                      A large group of professionals built the Titanic


                      • #12
                        Free seeds

                        I have listed some free seeds in the Vegging Out Forum, you're welcome to them if you want them - they will only go in the bin otherwise. Just take a look and PM me.
                        Last edited by andrewo; 17-02-2006, 11:13 AM.
                        Best wishes
                        Harbinger of Rhubarb tales


                        • #13
                          What wonderful help. Thanks to you all. I spent today cleaning my back yard and seeing what containers i have. I have one more question,

                          Is there a guide to when to plant? I dont want to plant all my carrots in one lot as then i will have them all mature at one time. Is there somewhere i can see how long the planting window is?


                          Last edited by garrett; 18-02-2006, 10:46 PM.


                          • #14
                            Lidl are always great for seeds - so cheap and I've never had any problems with the seeds I've bought from them. I went to Aldi in Dunfermline yesterday and they're selling seeds packets too - I think they were all 29p a packets - a whole range of veg and flowers - they're also selling Triple Propagator packs at about £3.00 so well worth a visit
                            Last edited by eskymo; 19-02-2006, 04:11 PM.


                            • #15
                              I went to Aldi thanks to JanetG's tip and bought seeds at 29p a packet. [sweetpeas, 35 seeds normaly �3 in other shops] two propagator sets each with three trays, inserts and lids. Four seed and cutting tray packs [each holding 40 pots] and 50m of silver duck tape for �1.99.
                              I love bargins


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