Helo all
I am a working mum with a small child, i have become very interested in what we eat and therefore had 2 beds made in my garden, approx 1.2m sq each.
My initial idea, (before I actually read into it!), was that i would grow just a small selection of things i buy regular - potatoes, carrots, brocolli, possibly strawberrys and lettuce, but having done a bit of reading i am thinkin i may not be able to do this.
My problem is i dont have a lot of time to devote to things but woudl dearly like to grow things and let my son help.
I am just a bit lost as to when i can start, what needs planting when, where to get best seeds from and how to actually do them!!! and when they are growing what i do!
So basically i need some advice from you good people right from the start.
Just to give you a bit of background. I have a very small garden that is quite sunny, its has a few flowers, and in the past when growing things i have literally just planted and hoped for the best (usually with great success!!) and I am based in North Wales.
any help/advcie greatly appreciated

I am a working mum with a small child, i have become very interested in what we eat and therefore had 2 beds made in my garden, approx 1.2m sq each.
My initial idea, (before I actually read into it!), was that i would grow just a small selection of things i buy regular - potatoes, carrots, brocolli, possibly strawberrys and lettuce, but having done a bit of reading i am thinkin i may not be able to do this.
My problem is i dont have a lot of time to devote to things but woudl dearly like to grow things and let my son help.
I am just a bit lost as to when i can start, what needs planting when, where to get best seeds from and how to actually do them!!! and when they are growing what i do!
So basically i need some advice from you good people right from the start.
Just to give you a bit of background. I have a very small garden that is quite sunny, its has a few flowers, and in the past when growing things i have literally just planted and hoped for the best (usually with great success!!) and I am based in North Wales.
any help/advcie greatly appreciated
