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where do i get cheap black plastic?


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  • where do i get cheap black plastic?

    hi everyone! does anyone know the cheapest way of covering over my plot?
    im a bit of a scavenger so i'll be looking out in skips for old tarp but would that work?
    i've seen stuff on ebay but dont want to pay over the odds,
    my boyfriends a student and we have already spent a small fortune on seeds and other stuff!
    im no tight arse just dont know where to look!
    any other methods you could think of?
    cheers, buttercup x x

  • #2
    You could try freecycle, look out also for old carpet. N A Kays is often suggested.

    Are you in your own garden or on a lottie. If on a lottie see if there is anything anyone else is no longer using. It may not be in the best nick but it's a start.
    Bright Blessings

    If at first you don't succeed, open a bottle of wine.


    • #3
      Thanks earthbabe!
      would never of thought of that,
      we have just got a large allotment its mostly coverd in couch grass at the mo,
      this is such a learning curve!
      finding out new things all the time!
      will give your tips a go!
      cheers buttercup x


      • #4
        Snuffle round the skips outside the back of B&Q, Homebase etc. and bag yourself lots of cardboard. Then leave it. It will rot into the soil and you can plant through it. I use black plastic (always the perforated kind) when I need a weedproof membrane e.g. under paths and manoevering areas, in greenhouse etc. I have used it for plot clearing, but would always use cardboard now to suppress weeds. You can even lay newspaper very thickly on your plot, then cover with earth, mulch, manure or whatever you have, it will do the job nicely. Get your friends to save up for you
        Last edited by supersprout; 24-01-2007, 05:23 PM.
        not every situation requires a big onion


        • #5
          cheers supersprout!
          the hunt is on! got my ski mask and torch ready for some late night foraging!
          you said the perforated kind!
          why is that?
          sorry! still learning!
          cheers buttercup x


          • #6
            Try a builders merchant that the trade use - Jewson or Keyline. Look in yellow pages for one locally. They are usually cheaper than DIY type stores and if you ask they will sometimes give a bit of discount.

            "If you think you can, or think you can't, you're right" Henry Ford.


            • #7
              sorry to put a downer on things, but black plastic will not get rid of your couch grass! I covered up and area affected by couch grass for a year and when I uncovered it the couch grass was still there smiling at me!! Digging or weed killing is the only solution here I think.


              • #8
                Hi buttercup
                Perforated or woven black plastic excludes the light but allows rainfall to percolate into the soil. I don't like the idea of 'suffocating' it.
                Wizer is right, your cooch may not all be gone after a year of black plastic. But you'll seriously have weakened it, and be able to pull up spaghetti nests of frustrated root. Keep mulching and digging out the odd growth, and the cooch will go, it's just a matter of persistence and patience IMO

                One of the things I love about this gardening lark is that you never, ever stop learning!
                Last edited by supersprout; 24-01-2007, 06:54 PM.
                not every situation requires a big onion


                • #9
                  I'd wait till the spring & give it a dose of Roundup that will see it off & then you can cover it with an Old Tarp/carpet or black plastic and clear it a bit at a time.

                  Do you know a friendly farmer -they use black poly to cover their silage pits so some that's been used would be OK
                  Never be afraid to try something new.
                  Remember that a lone amateur built the Ark.
                  A large group of professionals built the Titanic


                  • #10
                    Hi BC - I've just got a large roll of tough black plastic from B&Q for around �25 - expensive, but it's virtually covered my plot and I'm so happy to have it down and killing the weeds during this bad weather. DDL
                    Bernie aka DDL

                    Appreciate the little things in life because one day you will realise they are the big things


                    • #11
                      Hi there, I got quite a bit of plastic from here:
                      It was qute a good price compared to anything else I could find and the postage isn't too bad.


                      • #12
                        Cooch grass & other persistant weeds.
                        I am still of the opinion that dig dig & dig again is still the best option.
                        No risk of weed killer residues remaining.
                        Hard work but well worth it.
                        The river Trent is lovely, I know because I have walked on it for 18 years.
                        Brian Clough


                        • #13
                          A local tree nursery near me has 100m by 1m rolls for �20. I thought that was reasonable. I bought a roll to plant my hedge through.


                          • #14
                            Can I just add a note of caution here!

                            I have just taken over a lottie which the previous occupant covered in plastic to save having to weed it. It is infested with weeds which have come through the plastic. When I went to lift the plastic it came away in small pieces in my hand and was very brittle!

                            All plastic is not ultra violet stabilised and breaks down in a very short time!

                            Normal thermo-plastic should not be thought of as a long time solution and will be lucky to see out a single season!

                            Either weedkill in the spring and then cover with mulch of some description, or get the spade and fork out! (good exercise and keeps you warm during the winter!)

                            There's no substitute for the gardeners shadow!!
                            My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                            to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                            Diversify & prosper


                            • #15
                              Aye, you're right enough Snadger, it's worth remembering that there is a lot more UV these days (that ozone hole is still up there you know ! ) and even plastic in things like tree guards which are supposed to break down after five years often only lasts two or three nowadays. So cheapo black plastic or fertiliser sacks are a real no-no.
                              Personally, the more I find out about Bisphenol A and other plasticisers, the less I want to use plastic of any sort on the soil, even though I know how well it works. But in the end, being broke has meant that on my plot I am using (free) newspapers and cardboard with a thin layer of soil to weigh it down. (Remove the parcel tape from the latter, no glossy pages in the papers, but matt colour inks nowadays are soy based so okay.) I am saving most of my money for well rotted bark and wood chippings, that depending on condition will be either mulch or compost.
                              Never apologise for asking questions buttercup, remember the old Chinese saying - "he who asks a question is a fool for a minute, he who does not stays a fool for good" ! Plus, with the characters we have on this forum, we need all the dumbing down we can get to make some of the regulars comments seem intelligent ! (Obviously not thinking of you, NTG !)
                              There's no point reading history if you don't use the lessons it teaches.

                              Head-hunted member of the Nutter's Club - can I get my cranium back please ?


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