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seeds in an unheated greenhouse?


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  • seeds in an unheated greenhouse?

    Hi Yesterday morning I sowed some cauliflower (igloo), some broccoli/cauliflower romanesco, 2 types of Brussels spouts ( type escapes me at the moment - I think one was Falstaff ?) and some lettuce ( romaine ballon, lollo rossa and Iceberg) in an unheated prop on the kitchen work top, just had a look and a few are starting to poke through bit quicker than I though but my question is :- will they be ok to go out in to my unheated 8x6 polycarbonate greenhouse if I put them inside a small 3 teir mini growhouse or will they need more heat/protection? Also i was thinking of sowing some peas this week too 'Onwards' and 'Alderman' are these ok to go out once germinated?


  • #2
    Should be ok. Brassicas and lettuce like it a bit on the cold side but just realised you're a bit more oop north than me. Maybe get some fleece to cover them over at night?
    S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
    a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

    You can't beat a bit of garden porn


    • #3
      Thanks, I will go and get some bubblewrap today and insulate the mini grow house and I will try to get to Wilco's as they are selling fleece covers for them for about �5 I think


      • #4
        you can try putting one of those round little parafin heaters under your seeds in the greenhouse ,they dont cost much and they will run for about a week on one refill,if you have a fleece domed cover over them at night,they should survive okay,i sometimes do that and im not that far from you,so you should be okay...


        • #5
          Hi magicat,i have planted peas in our un heated greenhouse,and always plant one to "look" at,they are going well,the flower seeds are not after the frost.
          The garlic and spring onion are also kicking off big time,tomatoes and peppers are on the window cill`s so will be a while yet.With regard to your babies .....if you only planted yesterday and they are poking through already??give them time to establish and then ease them out when it warms a bit.
          Last edited by ralf; 02-03-2010, 08:19 PM.


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