Hello All
Joined site today, as title says the only thing i've grown before the last 4 weeks is weeds and grass.
Anyway my Broccile seedlings arn't right
On Friday evening I inspected the seedlings in the greenhouse (heated with parrafin heater) and all was well, gave them a sprinkling of water and put the propagator lid on for the night as usual.
Saturday morning went into take the lids of all the seed trays and the broccili seedlings leaves had curled up and turned brown.
Sunday/Monday morning new leaves appearing which seem fine.
Any idea's what could have caused the problem
Will the seedlings be OK as the new leaves seem fine, or should I scrap the 24seedlings and start again.
All help/advice would be greatly appreciated.
Have pics but how do you attach?
Bruce 249
Joined site today, as title says the only thing i've grown before the last 4 weeks is weeds and grass.
Anyway my Broccile seedlings arn't right
On Friday evening I inspected the seedlings in the greenhouse (heated with parrafin heater) and all was well, gave them a sprinkling of water and put the propagator lid on for the night as usual.
Saturday morning went into take the lids of all the seed trays and the broccili seedlings leaves had curled up and turned brown.
Sunday/Monday morning new leaves appearing which seem fine.
Any idea's what could have caused the problem
Will the seedlings be OK as the new leaves seem fine, or should I scrap the 24seedlings and start again.
All help/advice would be greatly appreciated.
Have pics but how do you attach?
Bruce 249