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White Stuff in New Compost Bag - Mould?


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  • White Stuff in New Compost Bag - Mould?

    Hi, I have just opened a new bag of peat-free vegetable compost and the top of it is all covered in white mouldy stuff. Unfortunately due to a lack of space and ability to carry big heavy bags, it has been sitting for around a month in a sunny spot, albeit it with several other heavy bags on top.

    Is this mould? And does it mean I need to get rid of it?

    Silly me.
    Edited to add: What will it do to my plants?
    Last edited by Helgalush; 11-04-2010, 05:41 PM.

  • #2
    Not sure to be honest. I had a bagful that was practicallymouldy all the way through, there was an awful lot of woodchip in that one.
    I've used it to bulk up some soil instead of potting on,just in case.
    You do find that there'll be some on the edges or at the top sometimes, if it's not much,just scrape it off and use it in your beds or something.


    • #3
      Good advice Taff - I'd separate out what's in the bag and use the non-mouldy stuff for growing in and the white stuff to mulch or pot on.
      Whooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?


      • #4
        I noticed the same stuff after topping some beds with compost from bags, and then covering it with weed fabric (to stop next doors cats using it as a loo).

        I took the fabric off one bed, and now it's all gone (couple weeks) - the other ones where I left it on - its also gone too, perhaps it was due to the cold etc, and now the weather currently is much brighter/warmer it's gone?


        • #5
          It's growing in the nice damp and dark conditions in the bag, fungus is everywhere. If you empty the contents out and let it dry then the mould will disappear.

          Vegetable Kingdom blog


          • #6
            Originally posted by Capsid View Post
            It's growing in the nice damp and dark conditions in the bag, fungus is everywhere. If you empty the contents out and let it dry then the mould will disappear.
            That would explain it, because it is the one at the bottom of the pile so you'd think that if it was sunshine related the one on top would have been worse, and it isnt.

            I have opened it up so I will see if it gets better after being allowed to try. I think I will scrape the worst of it off, as suggested.

            The one on top wasnt as bad....but out of interest - the one on the bottom is organic compost for vegetables, whereas the one on top was just ordinary peat-free MPC....does this mean that the latter one is better protected against diseases? Ie better 'sanitised'? Or is it just luck?


            • #7
              If I need to move compost or chippings with white mould on, I wear a mask - just one of those cheapo B&Q ones. Otherwise it makes me cough! Not good to inhale spores.
              Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

     Updated March 9th - Spring


              • #8
                Sorry to come back to this thread but because the previous stuff above ^ was mouldy I asked my brother to take me to B&Q and help me carry some more compost in to the garden for me.

                2 brand new bags that we brought home from B&Q last night and placed in shade all day ..... well I have just opened them up and they all had the white mouldy stuff on the top too...

                I cant keep going backwards and forwards to get more (not to mention the cost - even if I could get a refund its just not practical). I am on my own as my husband is in hospital at the moment and gardening is meant to be my way of relaxing....but its making me worry more.... I decided to just get on and use it for my potatoes as time is running out for planting them....No idea if this was bad for me (forget to get a mask) or if its bad for the potatoes....

                Why oh why cant things be simple! All I need is for someone to tell me it'll all be fine!!!


                • #9
                  It'll be fine
                  S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
                  a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

                  You can't beat a bit of garden porn


                  • #10
                    I've used it with the white stuff on it, and my stuff is growing fine.

                    If I stop posting around August, then you'll know it wasn't ok to eat the stuff that's been grown in it


                    • #11
                      Thank you think I will now finally stop banging on about mould!!!

                      I've got my potatoes in now - some in an Ikea bag and some in a big pot! Not too convinced about the Ikea bag but some friends suggested it and thought it was a good idea....


                      • #12
                        Do you mean those canvassy looking bags made out of man made materials? If so Helga they aren't bad. I am in the process of converting a 2'x2'x2' garden rubbish bag made out of it into a planter for my balcony for my twisted willows to go at the end to act as a wind break.

                        I tested with one of those pop up bins first and it has done quite well. I just have to figure out how to make it stand up and keep its' square shape while adding as little weight as possible. I've got so much on the balcony I am nervous about adding too much more. I have images of opening the balcony door and finding it gone


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Guttata View Post
                          Do you mean those canvassy looking bags made out of man made materials? If so Helga they aren't bad. I am in the process of converting a 2'x2'x2' garden rubbish bag made out of it into a planter for my balcony for my twisted willows to go at the end to act as a wind break.

                          I tested with one of those pop up bins first and it has done quite well. I just have to figure out how to make it stand up and keep its' square shape while adding as little weight as possible. I've got so much on the balcony I am nervous about adding too much more. I have images of opening the balcony door and finding it gone
                          Oh dear, dont want that to happen!! That would not be good.

                          I dont know if they are canvassy - the big blue ones that are all shiny and a bit plasticky? I'm just worried whether it will keep its shape and I havent quite got it in the right place and because it is flimsy I worry that if I move it anywhere its going to all get disturbed. Oh well, its all an experiment isnt it?!

                          It sounds nice what you are doing with the twisted willows.


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