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what's wrong with my seeds?


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  • #16
    take the cover off you dont need one indoors


    • #17
      the cover is only needed if it's outside, it's probably warm enough in your kitchen for the seedlings not to freeze
      I have to ask though, if you're balcony is aready bursting with flowers and things, where will you find the space for a squash? They're big plants, are you growing up a trellis or moving them somewhere else?
      for germinating,try the trick of sowing into the compost,maybe watering it enough so it's damp if it isn't already, not soaking wet, then cover with a plastic bag until you see them up, then take the bag off, no extra watering needed.


      • #18
        well my kitchen does get chilly, but hey advise taken, cover is off

        taff, i only germinate stuff at home, i have a use of part of a field locally, but its the other side of the island and we are not allowed to have green houses or sheds etc on the land. So i germinate it at home then plant it out up there... Ill take some pictures next time im up there

        I will be very careful with my watering in future, i though that i was being conservative already but ill cut my efforts down again...


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