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Birds and Onions


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  • Birds and Onions

    I planted some onion sets last Sept/Oct and they lasted well through the wintry weather we had. However, they have sprung out their shoots - not very big, probably about 2-3 inches, but one of them (can't remember if it's white or red) looks very adult like. Thicker leaves than the other one's.

    Not sure when they are ready either, so if anyone can give me pointers on when I can harvest them, that would be a bonus.

    The other things is the leaves look like they have been nibbled at. Firstly I thought it was my stupid dog who will eat anything and everything, but she can't get her nose through the fencing around the planter. My only other thought is it's the birds.

    My hubby is a stickler for he's bird's and encourages them into the garden much to my disappointment, but they will forage around the garden rather than eat the seed and bread he puts out for them.

  • #2
    Originally posted by sheena View Post
    I planted some onion sets last Sept/Oct ... give me pointers on when I can harvest them
    they'll be ready about June time

    Originally posted by sheena View Post
    The other things is the leaves look like they have been nibbled at.
    birds don't eat onions. Your hubby is right to feed the birds: excepting woodpigeons, who are a darn nuisance. Blackbirds will steal strawberries, but I love them so much that I don't mind sharing
    All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


    • #3
      Only thing the birds did to my onion sets were to dig them up! My red ones are growing much faster than my white ones, I just put it down to different varieties


      • #4
        mmm, wonder what it could be then?

        Thanks for the advice guys, much appreciated


        • #5
          A few of our 'leaves'(?)look like they've been nibbled at,but in fact I think it's where they've been knocked or stood on when they were little and they lose the damaged bit but carry on growing...therefore looking slightly nibbled.
          That's just my guess with mine...mightn't be right.Even the slightly damaged ones still seem to be growing well so it's not a worry.
          the fates lead him who will;him who won't they drag.

          Happiness is not having what you want,but wanting what you have.xx


          • #6
            I have a similar problem.

            I caught a crow pulling up on of my onions, but I think it was an accident as there was a piece of bark next to it which had a small slugs under it; think maybe my onions were just caught in the cross fire! Since I planted some seeds that needed the fleece cover they haven't been back on my veg patch, think it flapping scares them away!

            I also have nibbled ones. Only one out of six though strangley. It seemed to happen a bit more day by day and now the shoot has been totally bitten down. Thinking it maybe mice or rats for mine though because they are very small mammal like marks. All the others are fine though, they seem to just like the one especially! Quite new to this so not sure if that's that one destroyed now or if it will grow but I will just leave it to it and see what happens!


            • #7
              Some of mine have nibbled-looking leaves; I put it down to the slugs as I had a cage over mine so that birds couldn't get in there.

              My boyfriend also like to attract birds into our garden. I've told him that if the birds start to eat my fruit and veg, all the feeders are going into the front garden...


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