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Companion Planting: Morning Glories?


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  • Companion Planting: Morning Glories?


    I am hoping to do another project from my container gardening book which suggests growing climbing Morning Glories with climbing dwarf beans.

    I have got seedlings of both coming along nicely....but my Dad said that Morning Glories were going to be banned at one stage because they have hallucinogenic properties or something or other. A quick google search confirmed that there is some kind of substance in some varieties that has led it to be banned in the USA. But then other websites say it is ok as a companion plant.....

    Do you think its still ok to go ahead with the project? I dont want to accidentally drug us all when we have our beans!?!

    I know I worry too much about all this stuff but its just cos I dont really understand....
    Last edited by Helgalush; 24-04-2010, 02:58 PM.

  • #2
    If in any doubt, why not grow sweet peas amongst your climbing dwarf(?) beans to attract bees for polination; although Ipomoea's add bright colour, personally I've never heard of them being used for beneficial companion planting.
    Really great gardens seem to teeter on the edge of anarchy yet have a balance and poise that seem inevitable. Monty Don in Gardening Mad


    • #3
      Morning glory looks nothing like beans, so I really don't think you need to worry.


      • #4
        Yep, the seeds are poisonous but don't look like beans so shouldn't be an issue


        • #5
          There was a hairy sandal type guy in my highschool who apparently ate some and was never the same, but theres no way you'd confuse the round papery little pods with your runners.
          The Impulsive Gardener

          Chelsea Uribe Garden Design


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