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Is it too late?


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  • Is it too late?

    Hi all,

    I have just had a call to inform me that after 3 years of waiting I finally have an allotment. I have also just moved into a house which is providing me with our first proper garden. I am really excited about the idea of growing lots of fruit and veg to cook with, but am suddenly overwhelmed! My grandad was going to be my teacher but unfortunately has passed away before he had a chance to pass on his knowledge.
    I have no idea of the state of my allotment as I am not getting the keys until the end of the week. However, my garden patch can be prepared in a day as it is fairly clear. I guess the first question is what have I still got time to plant? All the calendars etc I have found involve working on crops that have already been planted, so I'm panicking a bit!
    Please help lovely greenfingered people!


  • #2
    Welcome to the vine Sarah. Do you have any plants already (things you have started off in expectation perhaps?) If not, then the garden centres have plenty of veg plants to give you a head start this year. . You still have plenty of time for things like lettuce, even sweetcorn, according to some grapes. Beetroot, spring onions etc would be grown in succession (ie every couple of weeks) for continous crops.
    Do you have access to a greenhouse/growhouse etc.
    Whatever else you do, don't panic!!
    For many of us, gardening is a continual learning curve. I personally have been at it, off and on, for 40 years but I have still learned loads from this site.
    Any questions, just ask and somebody is bound to know the answer.
    Make a list of the things you eat and would like to grow.
    Best of all, enjoy the experience and don't give up. I expect other viners will be here soon to give further advice. Sanjo
    Last edited by Sanjo; 04-05-2010, 05:19 PM.


    • #3
      You can still grow beans - runners and french - and squashes from seed now.
      First things first though, go and have a look at your lottie, after all, it may take you a while to get it sorted out before planting can happen there.


      • #4
        Take your camera with you Sarah - then if you find something you can't identify we can help you out!
        Whooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?


        • #5
          Thanks guys, taking the camera with me is a great idea! I am on the lookout for a cheapy greenhouse as we speak - there were loads advertised in the classifieds a few weeks ago - sod's law that they have all gone now I want one!
          I think I will get some bean seeds as I have room for them at the house if the lottie is going to take too long. Very impatient to get over there and see how bad it is - the manager person said there has been high tenant turnover lately which doesn't sound good to me!
          Thanks again for your help so far xx


          • #6
            There are loads of things you can still sow into modules, and transplant in a few weeks when the ground is clear. There are always plants to be bought at car boots, supermarkets and garden centres too, so don't panic
            Last edited by Two_Sheds; 05-05-2010, 06:38 AM.
            All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


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