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Strawberries- are they dead?


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  • Strawberries- are they dead?


    how can I tell if my strawberry plants from last year have not survived the winter? Should I be seeing signs of life by now?

    They are all in pots and I had covered them with fleece over the winter so can't understand why they have all died... out of 6 or so pots not one seems to be stirring

  • #2
    It is getting rather late

    Have you had a close look at the crowns-do they look like they could have rotted?
    ( overwatering would lead to this)

    fingers crossed for you, but I fear the worse..what variety are they?
    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

    Location....Normandy France


    • #3
      It looks like you have the same situation as me. I had 15 plants in a strawberry planter, They all died over the winter. However right next to them I have 6 plants in 2 oblong flower pots and these are growing big as normal. I have never lost all the plants like this before, just the odd one, and that is normally the ones facing away from the sun.

      I have bought 6 more plants from Lidl to replace the 15 I lost, as long as they grow runners I will be ok.


      • #4
        I have lost quite a few strawberry plants to vine weevils in my strawberry pot but the ones in window boxes next to them have been fine. Some plants did survive but certainly don't look happy - I have washed their roots and repotted them to try and beat the little beasties!
        Might be worth checking the compost in the pots and seeing whether there are lots of little white grubs - if there are get rid of them and get new strawberries but put the pot in a tray on pot feet and fill the tray with water - apparently the adults don't like getting their feet wet so it may deter them!


        • #5
          I lost every single one that I kept in the gh but the ones that were left outside are doing great


          • #6
            They are hardy - so would probably rot and die if not subjected to the rotten winters!

            We dug up loads at my brother's to weed, and replanted them and I left instructions to water [3 weeks ago] and when I went back last night they had all just carried on growing even though they totally forgot to water them....mollycoddle strawbs at your peril!


            • #7
              I'm new to growing strawberries but I would have expected to see signs of them starting to re-grow by now. My strawberries have survived the winter, in pots and having been covered with 14 inches of snow for around 3 weeks. They must have loved that treatment because they are starting to flower I'm in Scotland and mine started showing signs of coming back to life about 4 weeks ago.


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