Anyone know what's the best way of getting rid of unwanted brambles for good??
We have quite a bit patch in the corner of the garden between the bottom & the side fence where they keep returning.There used to be a big tree there too but it's been cut down & there's still a stump in the ground.Don't know what type of tree it was though.We've tried weedkiller sprayed on the leaves quite often but that didn't work.Neither did cutting it down to the ground & putting thick carpet over it.It just grew through the carpet.I've cut it down to the ground again now as I've got 2 small children & you know how they like to play with things they shouldn't.But I really need to get rid of it once & for all.
I'm sure someone out there will know just what to do.
Anyone know what's the best way of getting rid of unwanted brambles for good??
We have quite a bit patch in the corner of the garden between the bottom & the side fence where they keep returning.There used to be a big tree there too but it's been cut down & there's still a stump in the ground.Don't know what type of tree it was though.We've tried weedkiller sprayed on the leaves quite often but that didn't work.Neither did cutting it down to the ground & putting thick carpet over it.It just grew through the carpet.I've cut it down to the ground again now as I've got 2 small children & you know how they like to play with things they shouldn't.But I really need to get rid of it once & for all.
I'm sure someone out there will know just what to do.