I'm really hoping that some of you more experienced gardeners can help me out! I have wanted to grow my own veg for years - having fond memories of helping my Dad pick veg for Sunday lunch as a child. Well, at last, I've decided to go for it this year. My husband has helped me plan an area in our garden to place some raised beds, the kids have given me a long list of all the veg they'd like to see grown and I've ordered a starter potato set from Dobies (tubs and 3 varieties of potatoes) but now I feel a bit stuck. I don't want to start off in the wrong way, spending money on things I don't need but missing out essentials, so I guess what I need is advice on making the raised beds and what else I need to get going.
Lots to ask I know but please help!
Lots to ask I know but please help!
