I thought I had lost my olive tree, which was about 3 ft tall, because of the bad winter we had. All the leaves died off and there was no sign of knew growth, so bracing myself to have to dig it all out at some point I cut it all back leaving just the main stem, which I was going to dig out. I have now noticed several new shoots growing out of the ground around the base of the old stem. What should I do now? Do I pick one strong one to make a new main stem (hopefully) and cut all the others down?
Any advice gratefully recieved!
I thought I had lost my olive tree, which was about 3 ft tall, because of the bad winter we had. All the leaves died off and there was no sign of knew growth, so bracing myself to have to dig it all out at some point I cut it all back leaving just the main stem, which I was going to dig out. I have now noticed several new shoots growing out of the ground around the base of the old stem. What should I do now? Do I pick one strong one to make a new main stem (hopefully) and cut all the others down?
Any advice gratefully recieved!