I have 4 types of peppers. Mini bell mix,cayenne(hot) ,californian wonder and romano mixed.
1 pepper is about 5 cm long i think it could be californian wonder. I also have some Mini bells which are also quite big. If you are going to eat them green how can you tell if they are ready, not as they are big enough yet! I am realy tempted to eat them but i want to save some to ripen. Especially the mini belll as it will turn a chocolate colour!
Any recipies for preserving them wuld be good as there are loas of flowers to come. But i have heard that they wont produce any fruit after a certain amount- is this true?
1 pepper is about 5 cm long i think it could be californian wonder. I also have some Mini bells which are also quite big. If you are going to eat them green how can you tell if they are ready, not as they are big enough yet! I am realy tempted to eat them but i want to save some to ripen. Especially the mini belll as it will turn a chocolate colour!
Any recipies for preserving them wuld be good as there are loas of flowers to come. But i have heard that they wont produce any fruit after a certain amount- is this true?
