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hooray!two weeks till rotovator day!


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  • hooray!two weeks till rotovator day!

    Hello there everyone!
    in two weeks some of my family are coming up from pembrokeshire armed with seaweed and a rotovator!
    Our plot which is about 55ft by 25ft is proving to be a little more than me and my boyfriend can handle so my gran (minnie) and my aunty are coming up for a holiday to help!
    i cant get over how eagre they are to help, i suppose this sort of thing is infectious, they cant wait to get stuck in!
    my mission before they come with the rotovator is to try and remove all the couch grass!
    itll be a lot of hard work because it covers most of the plot but im getting there.
    Basicaly im looking for some advice about the best process to take after the weeding and the rotovator has done its work!
    we are having raised bed over the majority of it, anything to remember? should i mix anything in while the rotovator is goin?
    anything to do after to improve the soil?

    i suppose once thats all done its action stations!
    im so thankfull for the help from my family to help achieve this dream of mine,
    and also thank you all so much for all your fantastic advice, could never of got this far without you all!

    my gran (minnie) hasnt had an allotment since she was 30 i think they built flats on them!
    its so great to see that everyone old and young has the same values at heart and that its so important to keep these traditions going! everyone should have there own piece of land to do as they please with!
    sorry for goin on a rant
    but i feel a revolution in the air!
    i hope we all apretiate the little things we have and try and share the wealth!

    thanks again everyone!
    babble over
    cheers buttercup

  • #2
    Rotavator + couch grass = lots more couch grass
    'Cos if you chop up the roots and don't remove every last little bit, each little piece of root will regrow into a new plant. So go over it with a fine tooth fork and get it all out after you've rotavated it.
    I don't mean to dampen your enthusiasm, just beware...and enjoy having all those extra hands to help, it'll be great fun. I hope its sunny for you.
    All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


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