Hi everyone,
I was just hoping for a bit of advice please. Having attempted to grow veg in pots in the back yard least year with limited success, have finally decided to take the plunge and try and get an allotment. However, I have been reading recently that the best time to take one on is Autumn/Winter!
However, I may have the chance of getting one this spring (next few weeks hopefullY) - is this wise? I'm really wondering if I will be able to get anything growing ready for this summer/autumn, or if I shall simply be left to spend 9 months or so preparing the site for next year?
Apologies if this is a very basic question, but kind of new to all this! - any advice would be appreciated please!
Many thanks,
I was just hoping for a bit of advice please. Having attempted to grow veg in pots in the back yard least year with limited success, have finally decided to take the plunge and try and get an allotment. However, I have been reading recently that the best time to take one on is Autumn/Winter!
However, I may have the chance of getting one this spring (next few weeks hopefullY) - is this wise? I'm really wondering if I will be able to get anything growing ready for this summer/autumn, or if I shall simply be left to spend 9 months or so preparing the site for next year?
Apologies if this is a very basic question, but kind of new to all this! - any advice would be appreciated please!
Many thanks,
