Hi, im totally new to all of this really, well have been growing in pots in my so called garden (its completley brick paved), but on sunday i got an allotment so have now got a nice space to work with but im not sure of what things are best to be planting at this time of year. Obvioulsy theres not a great deal due to the temp, so would appreciate any advice or tips on things i can start with????
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What can i start with?
Hi and welcome. If you like garlic now is the time to get some in.
Welcome to the Vine - could you add your location to your profile please. That way it will show up on your posts and helps a lot when giving advice. Still time to get onion sets and garlic in, but other things may depend on where you are.
Sounds a bit daft I know , but only grow stuff you or your family like to eat and only in the quantities you can consume in a year.
It is now the start of the time for planting soft and hard fruit, so if you intend growing any prepare the areas and get them planted.
Bare rooted are cheaper (and in my view better) but you can pay the extra for pot grown named varieties if you like.
Soft fruit like blackcurrants,redcurrants and gooseberries are ideal for delineating your plot boundary.................so get em in!
Tell us a bit more about your plot? Is it ready for planting ?(lucky you!) Where abouts are you?This all makes a difference to what and when you can plant stuff!
My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)
Diversify & prosper
Im in Grays, Essex, plot isnt quite ready for planting due to it being pretty overgrown so got a little bit of work to do yet, have got a separate area that is ready for planting aorund 15sqft, but probly the rest will in a week or so. There are around 50 strawberry plants there already, which im going to cover with straw soon to protect them a bit and a few raspberry canes, and an untold amount of weeds!!!
I have got a Tay Berry cutting which has taken so guna plant that near the fence so its got a good area to grow up and spread along.
thank you all for your comments, definitley want to grow some garlic and will prob go and get some cloves this weekend, anyone know a good strong variety as i love a nice strong taste?
Hi Mintygreen. Regarding your strawberries - they are perfectly hardy, so I wouldn't put straw over them at this time of the year. Straw is usually laid round them when they start fruiting to act as a mulch and to keep the fruit off the soil.
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