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Eurgh Gross...


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  • #16
    I'm going to try netting over newly dug areas this year, not sure how it'll work with planting up yet. I guess I can just cut a bit bigger hole. The theory is that their claws catch in the netting when they're trying to dig and they don't like it. Haven't found anything else that works yet. Don't get me started on cats - I just don't understand why people think it's ok to let their animals use my garden for anything let alone as a toilet
    Life is too short for drama & petty things!
    So laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly!


    • #17
      If it was a dog it would be fined!

      I think im going to try abit of orange peel, not sure if its an old wives tale but worth a go!

      Think Ill also search for the thread on the Garlic spray


      • #18
        If they go on the lawn make sure you keep the grass really short and cut every week.
        If it's the flowerbeds I would make a 'decorative obstacle' ie weave hazel sticks into fences and supports either in the ground or movable. plus prickly holly branches over rows of freshly sown seeds. And smelly citronella, lemon peel etc.
        You can also buy a motion sensitive water sray that fits on your hose. Water pistols are also good but you have to catch them in the garden. (NB water doesn't hurt cats!)


        • #19
          I have to agree with other cat owners...get one of ya own, there great at keeping other cats of there to speak. Jinny will chase anything out of our garden...birds, cat's even the dogs next door aren't safe if they stick there nose's under the gate.


          • #20
            I feel your pain - I'm at tethers end with cats around me.. they're leaving one garden alone now (which has chickens in it) - thankfully... but I just pulled some parnsips out - within an hour - cat poo everywhere. My neighbour has said to give them a blast with water and shoo them off, which I did do - and now they dont bother (it was a bit more than a squirt like).. its the cats that USED to live here. Still come back. I'd have thought that they'd not bother, but they do mess in my veg beds. Really annoying as we've a little one - and I'm a bit concerned about wife + her eating anything grown in tainted soil.


            • #21
              Originally posted by AmyRose View Post

              Moved into my house last Sep, got it due to the garden size, its huge....exactly what i wanted

              Havent done much with the garden, focused on getting the house sorted first.
              Went for a walk round the garden this morning (to make sure my plans fit)

              and it was like a ****** cat mine field!

              Poo everywhere!

              Any ideas on how to keep them out?

              I have had a problem with cats coming into my yard and doing it's business as well. Have heard the get your own cat theory and am sure it works but I'll only get attached and start fretting about mine all the time

              My dad got me a couple of these from his local nursery, having had success keeping cats out of his his own garden:

              Blooming Direct - Coleus Canina Scaredy Cat x 5 plants �9.95 delivered

              They smell like dog wee when brushed / wet which apparently deters the cats. Seemed to work for me and I'll be getting more this spring (snow killed 'em this year)

              Can't vouch for this supplier by the way, was just the first that came up


              • #22
                That's interesting florian a friend of mine txt the other day and said I've got some plants in my garden, they stink but they are keeping the cats away she's doesn't know what plant it is but offered me some cuttings, I wonder if its the same plant

                I'll get her to send me some pics )


                • #23
                  You will never stop the problem because cats are the ideal pet for lazy selfish people (you dont have to exercise them and there's no mess to clean up as they crap in other peoples gardens)


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Scunny Zeb View Post
                    You will never stop the problem because cats are the ideal pet for lazy selfish people (you dont have to exercise them and there's no mess to clean up as they crap in other peoples gardens)
                    Unlike dogs, the owner bears no responsibility for the actions of their pet cat - yet the unsupervised roaming feline commands legal protection. That means it is entirely within it's 'animal' rights to poo in your garden (and maim or kill any native wildlife it wishes to)


                    • #25
                      Just before Christmas I saw my dog digging up something in the garden and eating it - I rushed out to stop her and found it was - yup - cat poo! Bought worm tablets next day but not before she'd sk*ttered on the living room rug which had to be thrown out (sorry, I know it's lunchtime).

                      I spent last weekend clearing cat cr*p out of my borders where they'd just dug a hole in the snow.

                      I've tried the Scardy cat plants, citrus peel, garlic and various sprays - did see silent roar in the garden centre yesterday but at it's expensive so wanted some feedback.

                      It really annoys me that cat owners can let their cats do it anywhere when I always clean up after my dog.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Plot10 View Post
                        Just before Christmas I saw my dog digging up something in the garden and eating it - I rushed out to stop her and found it was - yup - cat poo! Bought worm tablets next day but not before she'd sk*ttered on the living room rug which had to be thrown out (sorry, I know it's lunchtime).

                        I spent last weekend clearing cat cr*p out of my borders where they'd just dug a hole in the snow.

                        I've tried the Scardy cat plants, citrus peel, garlic and various sprays - did see silent roar in the garden centre yesterday but at it's expensive so wanted some feedback.

                        It really annoys me that cat owners can let their cats do it anywhere when I always clean up after my dog.

                        Aw I was hoping I could trick them with the scent of 'borrowed' dogs lol but clearly not if yours doesn't deter them!

                        I was Lao on bed last night and said to the OH 'so whose going to clean the cat poo up then' to which he replied 'it'll have to be me won't it' lol I just can't do it, it's so horrible I wouldn't kid if it was from my own pet but I can't just clean up strange cat poo even the thought makes me funny!


                        • #27
                          Sorry to say, but the only sure fire thing I've found to work is a barrier of sorts, ie netting and even then it has to be firmly secured or the little ....... just get underneath it! It's all out war in the back garden as the foxes make just as much mess if not more.

                          I bought a 'scaredy cat' plant as an experiment and found my own little pooper nuzzling up to it and citric peel didn't keep her butt out of the flower beds whenever even a postage stamp size of bare earth became available. And yes she does has a litter tray, I reckon it's pure badness!


                          • #28
                            I have to clean up my cats' poo (have 3 cats) who all do it within 3 yards of the house despite having 6 acres to do it in!! The geriatric doesn't even attempt to bury it, just leaves it like a dog does. Then, as our drive is also a public right of way, I have to periodically go out with the baggies and clear up other people's dog poo too, and that I really detest. But rather that than have my kids bring it all back on their bike tyres, which is what happens otherwise.

                            Clearing up poo is not pleasant, but something you just have to do. Hold your nose, grit your teeth and get on with it.
                            Last edited by RichmondHens; 10-01-2011, 04:46 PM.


                            • #29
                              Yes, I remember posting crossly about this last year too. I've tried citrus peel, some cat spray from Wilkinsons, garlic spray etc. I tried those plants but they pooed right NEXT to the plants. Humpfh.

                              All our neighbours have dogs and boast about how no cats go in their gardens. Grr.

                              The cats here poo on my raised beds and don't bother covering it..usually.

                              If the soil is covered (I have tried that), they poo on the grass. As I have a little one, this does not amuse.

                              Oh yes and they love pooing ON my strawberry plants too.

                              I'm currently covering the raised beds in crushed seems to have put them off a bit and should stop slugs and snails too..that's my hope.
                              Singleton Allotments Society
                              Ashford Gardeners - A gardening club (and so much more) for the greenfingered of Ashford and surrounding areas. Non-Ashfordites welcome .


                              • #30
                                Oh jeez thats horrible, they dont bury it in my garden either its just on the grass and impossible to see from the back door, its not til you walk around you come across it

                                Ill have to a few different things i think; Ive seen about 4 different cats coming in and out so cant even blame it on one!

                                Shame i cant get a dog, that seems like a good one, just work too much at the moment, it wouldnt be fair


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