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Advice please about growing in the West Midlands


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  • Advice please about growing in the West Midlands

    Hi. I have searched around the forum for a thread that might help but as yet no joy.I thought i'd hit gold when i saw a thread about the weather & a complete thread for the WM but upon reading it's where people just say whats happening in the immediacy. I've learnt lots of new stuff on my travels through the pages so i'm not complaining but i'd really like to hear from anyone who lives around this area - Norton Canes - not far from the gorgeous Chasewater.

    What i'd like to know about is the regional weather & any other things pertinent to growing veg around here. For instance there has been talk lately in our press of soil testing being carried out as people are saying things just aren't growing as they should be.

    Also i'm really struggling with getting things like wood to make raised beds with, topsoil, bark,etc. It's not helped by the fact that i'm disabled & don't drive. I'm pretty good at sourcing stuff on the internet but i think life might be a little simpler if i could get some local knowledge. I go on freecycle most days but thus far have had no joy whatsoever.

    I only moved here last October - from the South West - so i've had little chance to get about particularly with the weather since November. Plus i don't really know anyone here and the few people i do know only laugh at my desire to even want to grow my own.

    I'm gardening on a shoestring budget but i'm pretty determined that i can get things done over time but a little local knowledge would be majorly beneficial and much appreciated.

  • #2
    You don't need an especially fine local knowledge to get started. Knowledge comes with experience. Just get cracking.

    You seem (forgive me if I have the wrong end of the stick) to have put a lot of hurdles in front of yourself: not knowing the soil, having neither car, wood nor topsoil, not knowing anyone, being disabled, being skint ... you'll find lots of us are in one or more of the same boats as you.

    It can still be done.

    Tell us what you want to grow and what you have already: a yard, containers? allotment?
    Last edited by Two_Sheds; 28-01-2011, 04:51 PM.
    All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


    • #3
      and have a read of this is you haven't already...

      Supersprout's allotment


      • #4
        hi folks

        Yes T_S you are probably right i have given myself a lot to do bearing in mind my situation. I think the reason for this is that it's something i've been wanting to do for so long. It's really all i've dreamed about for years whilst i was stuck indoors not able to do a thing. I do have the help of my able assistant, the "Reluctant Gardener" (OH).

        I'm sure much of what i need to know will have to be learnt over time i was hoping a little knowledge from a local might give me a jump start in some areas.

        I'm one of those people that when they are able to get on with stuff they go at it full pelt. I'm nicely balanced by the RG who always thinks if it can be put off 'til tomorrow it can wait a week!

        My growing space is in the region of 20ft x 15ft. I've also got a selection of inherited pots (100's actually) some grow bags & some grow sacks for spuds. Plus i have an enclosed porchway where i can start some stuff off & a small polythene 4 tier greenhouse.

        Funny thing is i wrote this start to a thread last night because i was feeling just a little bit frustrated with my lack of progress & today has been absolutely crazy with progress. It's like i've been visited by a garden genie overnight that granted me 3 wishes. Today i have enough topsoil i think for all the planned raised beds, wood for the raised beds & fruit trees. Plus 5 litres of Plant Magic though i'm not quite sure what to do with it. Its kinda dizzying but wonderful.

        All that's happened is word of mouth stuff all coming to fruition on the same day. Feels bizarre, & when i went to bed last night i would not have believed it possible. I don't feel like i'm a lucky person in general but today i feel like the cat that got the cream.

        I'm trying hard not to let the limitations i have restrict me from doing what i want. I've never really been a person that would ask for help but this gardening lark made me realise that it never hurts to ask. My Gran would be proud. Now although i've only been here a few months i've met more of my neighbours than i did in 10 years in my previous area simply by going door to door & asking for any bricks, wood,etc that people might be throwing out. It's kind of strange that nobody on my street as yet has been into the "grow your own" thing but they all seem to be rooting for me (excuse the pun). This is what i love about being in the Midlands, such lovely people.

        So, an uphill struggle it might be, and my successes this year might be few & far between when it comes to what i might produce cropwise but for me i have already reaped some huge rewards.

        My main crops i hope to grow this year are garlic, onions, chillies & peppers, carrots, potatoes & peas. Plus i'm going to have a go at some soft fruit, raspberries,strawberries and a few blackcurrants. I've got some rhubarb seed and now an apple tree, a pear tree & a cherry tree that will go in pots.

        I understand exactly what your saying but, and i'm not saying this for any reason other than so you understand why i reach for the sky, but 12 months ago i nearly died and i was a long time recovering even basic memories so now it is wonderful to wake up every day happy & looking forward to life. That is really where i'm at and this forum is chock full of people who've been gardening for years,willing to share their experience, their knowledge, to have a laugh and enjoy something that is giving me a new lease of life. And i am eternally grateful for every word.

        Herein lies the sum of it. And huge thanks to yourself & zazen999 for your responses. I have now read Supersprouts piece & like most things here it's a very good read.

        Have a lovely weekend.


        • #5
          Originally posted by garlicgirl06 View Post
          garlic, onions, chillies & peppers, carrots, potatoes & peas
          None are especially tricky to grow, but you need to beware of a carrot root fly and pea moth: they can both ruin your crops (even in containers). Have a search if you want to read into those

          Originally posted by garlicgirl06 View Post
          i'm going to have a go at ... raspberries,strawberries and a few blackcurrants.
          If you haven't already acquired some (the poundshops will have unnamed varieties, Wilko's will only be a little dearer) PM me and I can send you a few rooted cuttings in exchange for SAE
          All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


          • #6
            check your soil without paying money -indicator plants

            search the web for "indicator plants" or "indicator weeds"
            what weeds grow in your garden shows whether its acid/neitral/alkaline or sandy/clay/... or welldraining/waterlogged or fertile/infertileetc
            saves you paying for a test
            often the weeds are very wellknown like dandelion or buttercups or chickweed
            there are plenty of pics on the web so you will recognise them easily..

            Indicator Weeds and Soil Conditions at

            PS: and if you like some of those weeds you fing -let them grow;-)


            • #7
              good stuff on the weeds

              Tx weedyg - excellent info. I've always just thought a weed is a weed is a weed. Just something to get rid of. Obviously i know there are many different ones but now i find that even these little fellas are a good source of info. Now i'll go hunt down some pictures & i'll have a secondary task tomorrow which will alleviate some of the tedium of removing stones,stones & yet more stones.

              Thanks again to yourself & 2sheds,and both of you have a lovely weekend.


              • #8
                Ive sent you a message garlicgirl06 as i live in heath hayes cannock just down the road from you


                • #9
                  Don't forget Garlicgirl - where there is a will there's a way! Looks like you are off to a flying start! Good luck


                  • #10
                    Thanks for the kind words Jellie & sonsmiley i hav answered your message.

                    have a good one



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