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  • Frosts

    I have some broad beans, peas, carrots and parsnips growing in my large plastic greenhouse (which is close to a fence for protection) - will they be ok with the bad weather that is forecast? What can I do to help them get through it.

    I also have some peas and broad beans in a mini greenhouse up against the house - if I cover this with a couple of old duvet covers will this help?

  • #2
    I've got carrots in bucket in mini-greenhouse which I have wrapped in fleece, and I've put layers of newspaper on each shelf which helps with insulation.I must admit I'm bringing my tom plants indoors.Leaving the salad leave seedlings in the greenhouse and sweetpea plants.I've used this method in past years and seems to work.I think 2 duvet might cook everything and block out all the light!


    • #3
      Originally posted by lyndap View Post
      I've got carrots in bucket in mini-greenhouse which I have wrapped in fleece, and I've put layers of newspaper on each shelf which helps with insulation.I must admit I'm bringing my tom plants indoors.Leaving the salad leave seedlings in the greenhouse and sweetpea plants.I've used this method in past years and seems to work.I think 2 duvet might cook everything and block out all the light!
      I was thinking of the covers for at night when the temperature drops


      • #4
        Originally posted by Kimbo View Post
        I have some broad beans, peas, carrots and parsnips growing in my large plastic greenhouse (which is close to a fence for protection) - will they be ok with the bad weather that is forecast? What can I do to help them get through it.

        I also have some peas and broad beans in a mini greenhouse up against the house - if I cover this with a couple of old duvet covers will this help?
        Hi Kimbo,
        Newspaper is a great insulator, so even if you put it in strips around plants it should help. Our broad beans are in the garden with flowers on, but planted them in Nov so hope they will survive.
        Good luck


        • #5
          Hello Kimbo, if you cover your plants they should be OK. I use fleece. It's not expensive and lasts for years and does provide protection against several degrees of frost. I've left it on plants for days at a time in bad weather with no ill effect as it does let light through. If you dont have any it might be worth nipping into B&Q to get some in view of the coming weather.
          In the meantime you could cover your plants with newspaper. It does provide good insulation but doesn't let any light through.
          And remember the closer to the ground plants are the colder it is, so if you can raise them up any, or put the most tender ones higher on the staging, that will help. And yes, your old duvet covers thrown over at night will help, but if you leave them on all day you're back to the light problem.
          I do hope your seedlings will be OK.
          My Camelias and some rhododendrons are flowering in the garden. I fear they will get wiped. Boo Hoo !

          From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Alice View Post
            Hello Kimbo, if you cover your plants they should be OK. I use fleece. It's not expensive and lasts for years and does provide protection against several degrees of frost. I've left it on plants for days at a time in bad weather with no ill effect as it does let light through. If you dont have any it might be worth nipping into B&Q to get some in view of the coming weather.
            In the meantime you could cover your plants with newspaper. It does provide good insulation but doesn't let any light through.
            And remember the closer to the ground plants are the colder it is, so if you can raise them up any, or put the most tender ones higher on the staging, that will help. And yes, your old duvet covers thrown over at night will help, but if you leave them on all day you're back to the light problem.
            I do hope your seedlings will be OK.
            My Camelias and some rhododendrons are flowering in the garden. I fear they will get wiped. Boo Hoo !
            Thanks for that Alice will have to hunt out some newspaper and try and get some fleece at the end of the month when I have been paid. The carrots and parsnips are in pots which are off the ground and the peas and broad beans are on the staging.


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