Originally posted by Kiwi_Soph
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I have seed packets hidden all over the house, some from last year when I got the freebies from the magazines. Speaking of magazines, my family are sick of the sight of them and I simply must buy at least two of them every month - always GYO of course.Those gossip magazines mean nothing to me now.
I seem to spend a lot of time staring out of the kitchen window looking at my precious fruit and veg when its raining too. Oh and smelling my tomato plants - please tell me someone else does that as they smell LOVELY, I had no idea!!
Newbie this year. Every morning before work, check on all my plants, sometimes come home to check on the dog and check my plants, and then when I get home from work check on the plants, get annoyed at any weeds that try to get in on the action within the veg but feel great when I've cleared them all. Only problem I have at the moment is I have not got enought room in the garden without upsetting the kids and wife by getting rid of the kids play stuff!
Waiting for an allotment.......
And I thought it was just me!!!!
The wife now calls me "Mr Bloom" from Cee Beebies!!
My veggies are all I seem to talk about, if i'm not talking about them, i'm checking on them!
I noticed my first proper flower on my courgette yesterday whilst doing my daily watering, I nearly wet myself with excitement!! The wife had to tell me to calm down, it's just a flower!! But it's my first one I replied, at this point she walked off!!! So I went to check on it again!!!
this thread has given me such a giggle, so glad to know im not alone, my fridge is getting over run with tubs which have my seed packets in, the hubby keeps saying more seeds haven't you got enough yet , just got my lotty and cant keep away, the garden is over run with plants in pots waiting to go in the lotty, i have a tomato fetish i keep seeing different ones i must have, and odd coloured veg makes me squeal with excitement, oh dear there's just no hope lol
Went into Wilkinsons yesterday for cleaning materials. Came out with toilet rolls, disinfectant, bleach, ***** Fluid, a spade, a fork, a trowel, plant pots...............http://norm-foodforthought.blogspot.com/
If it ain't broke, don't fix it and if you ain't going to eat it, don't kill it
Hallelujah, it's not just me!
"This old thing, I've had it for ages?" Tick
"Seed packets all over the house"? Tick
"I have lost interest in shopping for shoes, compost bins are so much more interesting"? Tick
Sniffing the tomato plants? Tick.
Obsessing over seedlings - tick
tick tick tick tick tick
My friend here tried to get me to buy a pair of great big wedgey lace-up sandal things online. She said "these shoes are your passport to your non-Good Life life". And I was thinking, "but I don't want one of them!"
oh my poor fellow sufferers, i share your pain. the papers are full of dwugs and alcohol health warnings but do they talk about gardening? they do not.
today, despite a full day in office, children, endless admin etc i managed to fit in the following:
emails to friends - 0
nourishing meals planned - 0
brilliant highbrow ideas - 0
speedy guilty concentration-destroying looks online at the following - nicky's nursery website, guardian allotment website, THIS rampagingly addictive website despite only yesterday vowing to self that i'd never ever start reading it at work, also random peeks at e.g. how to grow jostaberries, chilean guava, etc etc, not to mention gardening books
AND a quick trip to the oxfam bookshop at lunch to guess which section
AND about an hour on here again this very evening
AND a sneaky look at a plant catalogue which I've looked at a billion times before, dreaming of unaffordable exotic fruit bushes
AND half an hour with torch spying on the slugs (btw i think i intercepted, er, slug, er, marital activities. blush)
AND a long long longing look from the bus window at poundstretcher's new bulb selection...
HELP. remember when zammo in GRANGE HILL dropped his heroin in the changing rooms and was sniffing it up saying 'i can handle it' but we, wise schoolchildren all, knew that he couldn't? well this is that. i hide my obsession from my family. indeed, i am insanely in love, not just with my garden but the idea, the accessories, the books...all of it.
And that's even before the seed catalogues start.
Seriously, oldies, is there any way to calm this down?
oh, and sometimes I actually WATCH my seedlings to try to see growing action.
Originally posted by BroadRipple View PostSeriously, oldies, is there any way to calm this down?
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