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Has my tomato plant (cherokee purple) bolted?


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  • Has my tomato plant (cherokee purple) bolted?

    I never knew it was possible for a tomato plant to bolt... I have tried searching the forum but it doesn't seem to want to work this morning.

    My cherokee purple tomato plant has formed a large flower/truss at the tip of its growing point. I am wondering whether I pinched out the growing tip by mistake but I don't think I did. Any ideas and advice on what I should do now would be appreciated. Not sure whether to kill it off and plant another?

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  • #2
    Tomatoes don't bolt, as they bear fruit that contains their seed anyway.

    If you did nip the tip off it, it'll encourage more sideshoots to grow.. You could always put one of the "armpit" shoots in water to root, they grow fast and will be a clone of the parent.


    • #3
      I would not nip the growing tip out. If you don't want a 'monster' tomato - it will be a bit deformed looking - then nip of JUST THAT FLOWER. You need the growing tip of the plant. I leave these big ones on. I grew Cherokee Purple last year - lovely tasty tom. This multiple flower business is a characterisitc of Heritage Beefsteak types.
      Whoever plants a garden believes in the future. Updated March 9th - Spring


      • #5
        after the monster flower, they tend to fork into two main growing tips.
        As Flummery says, just take that particular flower off.


        • #6
          I think one of my Black Krim has done that. The flower is growing where the growing tip should be. It confused me as I don't remember accidentally decapitating it.


          • #7
            My Cherokee is doing the same, I thought it was just special cause it was Jamie Oliver's
            I picked up a Cherokee purple, Limony and Brandywine in an oliver 3 pack for �1 reduced to clear in homebase, will be taking a few armpits methinks
            My new Blog.



            • #8
              Phew... so I probably didn't nip off the growing tip... didn't think so. I will remove the giant flower tomorrow and hopefully it starts growing upwards again.


              • #9
                If you ever do remove or accidentally break off the growing tip all is not lost. Find a sideshoot (known occasionally here as 'armpit'!) and allow that to grow up as the new leader.
                Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

       Updated March 9th - Spring


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