Dont know if this is posted in the right area but here goes
This is my first full year at growing and have changed my garden round and spent all spring getting it right and really went the whole hog and bought chickens too !!! everything had been going well and i decided to chicken proof my raised beds - well so i thought !! The little devils could get there necks through the gauge of wire i had bought
i lost lettuce and some radish etc but they have taken the leaves off the beetroot - my question is will the beetroot still be ok under the ground?
Have now re done the chicken wire !
Dont know if this is posted in the right area but here goes
This is my first full year at growing and have changed my garden round and spent all spring getting it right and really went the whole hog and bought chickens too !!! everything had been going well and i decided to chicken proof my raised beds - well so i thought !! The little devils could get there necks through the gauge of wire i had bought

Have now re done the chicken wire !