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Some Pumpkin Advice Please!!!


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  • Some Pumpkin Advice Please!!!


    I'm a complete novice who needs your advice please. I planted a lot of seeds saved from the Halloween pumpkin & to my amazement they are growing To be honest, I didn't think I'd get any of them to grow but it looks like most of them are.They are planted at the moment in a trough type pot in compost but I don't know what to do next.
    I'm sure I'll be inundated with advice & will be very greatful for your help.

    Thanks in advance,

  • #2
    Hi Daineal

    Welcome! I'm glad that your pumpkin seeds are growing - it's brilliant when you first see things starting to grow. Still gives me the hugest buzz and I think it always will

    How big have your plants got? If they are still relatively small I would leave them as they are for the time being. Do you have an allotment? I would say it's a little too early to plant them outside just at the mo - still a bit too cold for them - but hopefully someone more experienced than me can jump in and give you some more specific advice. They're a great lot on here!

    Anyway, happy growing.
    Blessed be

    Squash Muppet


    • #3
      Keep them frostfree or they'll die.
      Always thank people who have helped you immediately, as they may not be around to thank later.
      Visit my blog at - Updated 18th October 2009
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      • #4
        Hi Daineal
        checkout another post in growing veg section called squash help.there is alot of useful advice there.i might be wrong but i dont think there is much difference between growin pumpkin and squash.g


        • #5
          Hi Goddess
          Thanks for pointing me in the squash posts direction,It's a great help.
          Hi squash Muppet,
          So far only the leaves have sprouted but it looks like every seed I planted has grown.I've not got an allotment, only a normal sized back garden but my daughter's school has started a gardening club so I'll be able to give them quite a few.
          Hi Peter,
          Thanks for letting me know about keeping them frost free, it'd be a shame to lose them now.


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