Lo all, I am growing some Early Nantes carrottts in a deep box in my poly and they are looking fantastic. I have pulled about threee out over the last week and let my boys eat them and they love them ( they wont eat a supermarket carrott raw ! )
The question is , how do I know when they are fully grown. I know they will be tastier as baby carrottts but I want/need a decent crop and so would like to let them grow to their proper size but obviously eat them before they ' spoil '.

( the Light-saber is in case anyone tries to nick his carrott !)
The question is , how do I know when they are fully grown. I know they will be tastier as baby carrottts but I want/need a decent crop and so would like to let them grow to their proper size but obviously eat them before they ' spoil '.

( the Light-saber is in case anyone tries to nick his carrott !)