Hi all,
not sure how to put this question cos it sounds so daft but how do you dig your patch? We've been digging with fork and spade for months now and today, after getting home early from work I decided to go down and do some planting. One look showed me that it would be no good! My soil is still stubbornly 'lumpy' I thought frost would break it down but it's still as hard as rock. I tried raking it but resorted in the end to trying to beat it into submission! I don't think we have clay soil but any suggestions would be most welcome as i toddle off to get some pain killers for this aching neck that is all I've got to show for a couple of hours grumpy work...aaaah
not sure how to put this question cos it sounds so daft but how do you dig your patch? We've been digging with fork and spade for months now and today, after getting home early from work I decided to go down and do some planting. One look showed me that it would be no good! My soil is still stubbornly 'lumpy' I thought frost would break it down but it's still as hard as rock. I tried raking it but resorted in the end to trying to beat it into submission! I don't think we have clay soil but any suggestions would be most welcome as i toddle off to get some pain killers for this aching neck that is all I've got to show for a couple of hours grumpy work...aaaah
