Hi guys has you may be aware by my other posts I'm very new to growing vegetables and this being our first allotment I have read loads have also spoken to other plot holders on forums and in person and gained loads of great advice and opinions 
So far on our allotment we have erected a shed a greenhouse and five raised beds and planted some fruit bushes (Kindly given by another plot holder) and have also laid a small turfed lawn that is doing great and overall we are really pleased with what we have done so far (Big pat on the back) I have learned to relax more and not expect everything on the allotment side to work has fast like work social life etc and really enjoyed my last read "The half an hour allotment" was a great read with loads of good advise and ideas therefore at the moment I feel everything is going fine allotment wise
BUT.....always a but lol yesterday the site manger said to me (I hope your not having loads of raised beds) I asked why and she said (Because thats not the way to run a plot or an allotment and I should see Arthurs plot he's been doing it for 60 years and thats how a plot should be done !!!
I thought the whole idea for an allotment is to do what you like in respect of ideas and plans and hopefully grow some fruit and veg along the way ?? my idea is infact lots of raised beds (Not 100% of the plot though) with paths between the lawn and lots of flowers a kind of ornamental garden.
And a the rest of the plot about a third be for potatoes sweetcorn beetroot etc etc the bigger veggies that are clearly to big for raised beds.
Anyway should I ignore her comments and just take them with a bag of salt or am I indeed doing everything wrong ??
Your opinions required and respected
Cheers Nigel

So far on our allotment we have erected a shed a greenhouse and five raised beds and planted some fruit bushes (Kindly given by another plot holder) and have also laid a small turfed lawn that is doing great and overall we are really pleased with what we have done so far (Big pat on the back) I have learned to relax more and not expect everything on the allotment side to work has fast like work social life etc and really enjoyed my last read "The half an hour allotment" was a great read with loads of good advise and ideas therefore at the moment I feel everything is going fine allotment wise

I thought the whole idea for an allotment is to do what you like in respect of ideas and plans and hopefully grow some fruit and veg along the way ?? my idea is infact lots of raised beds (Not 100% of the plot though) with paths between the lawn and lots of flowers a kind of ornamental garden.
And a the rest of the plot about a third be for potatoes sweetcorn beetroot etc etc the bigger veggies that are clearly to big for raised beds.
Anyway should I ignore her comments and just take them with a bag of salt or am I indeed doing everything wrong ??
Your opinions required and respected
Cheers Nigel