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Advice for a new'un - Growing in pots


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  • Advice for a new'un - Growing in pots

    Hello all!
    As well as posting my first message, I'd appreciate any advice about growing in limited space. I've no garden to speak of (but a pretty sunny yard) and for the first time this year I'm trying my hand at growing a few varieties of veg.
    Apols if there are posts already on the forum on this issue - I had a quick look but didn't see any.


  • #2
    Last year i did tomatoes and dwarf beans in pots, plus courgettes in growbags. This year im doing 2 varieties of pea, 2 varieties of dwarf bean, 2 lots of tumbling toms, 2 lots of courgettes, mixed salad leaves, radish and spring onion, all in pots/growbags!


    • #3
      Hi GG, welcome to the vine! Do pop over the the Sunday Night Chat forum to say hi to the others!

      With regard to container gardening, there's one or two threads on that very subject if you go up to 'search' on the green bar near the top of the screen.

      There's lots you can do in containers big and small - what do you fancy? French beans are pretty quick and easy, along with salady stuff. Just got to remember to keep everything watered!


      • #4
        Hi GillyGrows and welcome,
        I am a total novice at growing anything, and like you I don't have much space. I am growing most of my veg in pots too. So far everything I have planted is galloping away. I bought two sizes of (Dark Green) trugs from B&Q. smaller ones for potatoes and the larger ones for beans, peas etc. I drilled holes about one inch from the bottom all the way round the base and covered the bottom with gravel, then filled with multi purpose compost.
        Grow bags and empty compost bags would have been good too.
        Picture attached shows Black trugs, B&Q sell them in all many other colours too...Lauren
        Attached Files
        "A good gardener always plants 3 seeds - one for the bugs, one for the weather and one for himself.� - Leo Aikman


        • #5
          Try some sugarpeas, almost all herbs ( basil, spring onions, thyme, oregano, terragon... ), carrots, cucumber ( lemon cuke ), newzealand spinazie, potatoes, tomatoes, aubergines, chilies... even some berries ( blue berry, gooseberry, strawberry, lingon berry... ).
          Happy planting...

          I grow, I pick, I eat ...


          • #6
            we have an old tin plasterers bath in the back garden, full of cut and come again lettuce, works really well.
            Yo an' Bob
            Walk lightly on the earth
            take only what you need
            give all you can
            and your produce will be bountifull


            • #7
              Hawayman. Divnt messaboot ina yard, gerran allotment. Tarkte Snadger.

              If it ain't broke, don't fix it and if you ain't going to eat it, don't kill it


              • #8
                Hi Gillygrows, im sure you are gonna find the grapevine really helpful and interesting as i do, some of the grapes here are totally mad so thats why i feel so at home here
                I am growing everything in pots and growbags in my garden and its my first year too, so far i have:
                peas, broad beans, 3 large pots of potatoes, french dwarf beans, runner beans, tomatoes, spinach, lettuce, rocket, broccolli, cauliflower, cabbage, onions, spring onions, courgettes, cucumbers, carrots, aubergines, minipop sweetcorn, peppers, chillis, nasturtium, basil, lemonbalm, chamomile, parsley, dill, fennel, sage, rosemary, thyme, feverfew, lavander and 10 sunflowers!!! all these are growing well in either pots or growbags and i have never grown anything before . I also have two plastic greenhouses and a homemade polytunnel all useful if you dont have much space

                where are you from? if you want to swap any ideas over the months im interested in learning and sharing all i can about growing in small places
                The closer to nature I become the more alive I am!



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