hi there,
i went to my plot last night to transplant my leeks,
im using a method i saw in a book which involves dibbing a hole bigger than the leeks then filling the holes with water taking care not to get the soil in the leaves.
problem is the roots of my leeks are so large that they curled and bunched up at the bottem of the hole!
will this be a problem?
could you trim them or will they be ok?
also do i need to put some sort of mulch overthem while they are in largeish holes?
is this a good method to use, if not how do all you pro's do it!
any advice is desperately needed, i couldnt sleep last night wondering if my poor little leeks are ok!
cheers buttercup
i went to my plot last night to transplant my leeks,
im using a method i saw in a book which involves dibbing a hole bigger than the leeks then filling the holes with water taking care not to get the soil in the leaves.
problem is the roots of my leeks are so large that they curled and bunched up at the bottem of the hole!
will this be a problem?
could you trim them or will they be ok?
also do i need to put some sort of mulch overthem while they are in largeish holes?

is this a good method to use, if not how do all you pro's do it!

any advice is desperately needed, i couldnt sleep last night wondering if my poor little leeks are ok!
cheers buttercup
