Hello - new member here in need of some help please.
Have read through lots of the posts and can't find quite the right thread so am hoping someone out there can ease my muddled mind!
Two years ago we took over half an allotment plot, a long thin strip. It had well established fruit bushes, raspberry canes and rhubarb even a cherry tree but the blackbird beats us to it and it's too large to net, so the remaining area we organised as four growing areas.
There seems to be several versions of crop rotation, all subtly different but the one we plumped on was
Potatoes � Legumes � Brassicas � Roots
However, we also considered Potatoes � Legumes � Roots � Brassicas
What I cannot get my head around is that for the potatoes you should manure the bed the autumn before planting, but how can I do this when the bed which should next be used for potatoes either has the Brassicas still in it which hate manure or still have my leeks in it, both well into February this year. Likewise I can�t plant the onions/garlic in the autumn if they are following the brassicas.
On these lines it would be easier to put the potatoes where the legumes had been as they are finished early, but then the nitrogen that they grab in their roots is beneficial for the brassicas.
I think and re-think my ideas but just keep going round in circles HELP PLEASE!
Have read through lots of the posts and can't find quite the right thread so am hoping someone out there can ease my muddled mind!
Two years ago we took over half an allotment plot, a long thin strip. It had well established fruit bushes, raspberry canes and rhubarb even a cherry tree but the blackbird beats us to it and it's too large to net, so the remaining area we organised as four growing areas.
There seems to be several versions of crop rotation, all subtly different but the one we plumped on was
Potatoes � Legumes � Brassicas � Roots
However, we also considered Potatoes � Legumes � Roots � Brassicas
What I cannot get my head around is that for the potatoes you should manure the bed the autumn before planting, but how can I do this when the bed which should next be used for potatoes either has the Brassicas still in it which hate manure or still have my leeks in it, both well into February this year. Likewise I can�t plant the onions/garlic in the autumn if they are following the brassicas.
On these lines it would be easier to put the potatoes where the legumes had been as they are finished early, but then the nitrogen that they grab in their roots is beneficial for the brassicas.
I think and re-think my ideas but just keep going round in circles HELP PLEASE!