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Getting carried away...


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  • #16
    My front garden is dedicated to growing food, mainly fruit (and a wonderful hazel tree that was there when we moved in).

    When we had the drive "done" we planned the whole thing around leaving as much growing space as possible. So I have blackcurrents, red currents, quince, gooseberries, raspberries (OF COURSE) plus horseradish, jerusulam artichokes, globe artichokes, and mint.

    And in amongst all this, onions, brussels and kale (still eating the brussels and kale from last year's sowings). The and BBs and peas will be going in there too!

    So I stongly recommend that if you have a front garden, get growing in it!
    If the river hasn't reached the top of your step, DON'T PANIC!


    • #17
      Great idea Ps&Ks but round here it would be like feeding the 5000.

      Potty by name Potty by nature.

      By appointment of VeggieChicken Member of the Nutters club.

      We hang petty thieves and appoint great ones to public office.

      Aesop 620BC-560BC



      • #18
        Originally posted by SarzWix View Post
        Yes, I agree fully with your first sentence, except the in 'your first year' bit.... I'm currently growing 11 varieties of tomato, and 17 types of chilli and pepper, in preparation for a polytunnel that I may be getting for my birthday in May. If I don't manage to afford it, I have to wedge them all into a 6x8 greenhouse And I've been growing veg for nigh on 10 years
        There is no hope for me then 6 different types of tomatoes 6 different types of veg and mixed peppers. This is only my 2nd year


        • #19
          i went mental last year and tried to grow everything,but what it taught me was what i liked to grow and will and wont grow again,how many plants i need for my neeeds without being wasteful,eg runners ,holy cow,just a few plants max this year,good luck to you,youre not crazy just passionate like the rest of us......


          • #20
            I have been growing potatoes in pots in my front garden for the past couple of years. They are large pots and I got around 3 1/2 to 4 1/2 lbs of Charlottes from each pot


            • #21
              Originally posted by kentishgal View Post
              ok, is it common to get carried away your first year of GYO??
              My original plan was some herbs, a few containers, maybe some strawberries and potatoes....
              Ive already got more seeds collected then I have beds to put them in, planted rhubarb and raspberries, potted up some strawberries and just spent a fortune ordering 3 minarette fruit trees (2 apples, early and late and a plum), a blackberry and blueberry!!
              Im also growing seeds for herbs I hadnt even heard of this time last year!!

              Am I a complete nutter or is there any cure for this 'illness'??
              It seems we all have the same illness. Your post could word for word be what I would post about my situation! Got to find room for all the blighters now in my limited space! lol "abandon ye all hope"
              Regards Mac


              • #22
                at first it's a small patch with just a few plants .... before long you're saving things that "might be useful" like that plastic tray the mushrooms came in would be good for sowing mustard and cress ..... and you find an old piece of gutter, great to start the peas in .... and you have a collection of loo roll middles for the beans .... and your lawn disappears .... and you're learning to blanche and freeze .... looking for a big chest freezer .... collecting old pallets for compost bins .... setting up water butts ....

                and then come the chickens ....


                • #23
                  oh .... and all your plans for the weekend get b*ggered up when someone offers you 30 paving slabs so you pop out to lift them and get them home but have to clear space out the back so you can take them out of the car ....


                  • #24
                    I agree with all of the above, Kentishgal... I think I have been over ambitious this year, having only had my plot for just over a year. I've planted enough cabbage, kale and cauli seeds to feed half of Lancashire. Just so long as you enjoy it !


                    • #25
                      Nice one Normans Mum! Let me know when it's ready and I'll pop over to collect some

                      As Farmer G said, Kentishgal, you'll be saving things that might be useful. Two containers from Rustlers Meatball Subs make a great tray and lid for growing mustard and other micro-veg, a couple of paper clips (or crocodile clips in my case) will securely hold the two together.
                      Tried and Tested...but the results are inconclusive


                      Honorary member of the nutters club, by appointment of VeggieChicken


                      • #26
                        You're one of us, now......(cue spooky music!)
                        When the Devil gives you Cowpats - make Satanic Compost!


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Farmer_Gyles View Post
                          at first it's a small patch with just a few plants .... before long you're saving things that "might be useful" like that plastic tray the mushrooms came in would be good for sowing mustard and cress ..... and you find an old piece of gutter, great to start the peas in .... and you have a collection of loo roll middles for the beans .... and your lawn disappears .... and you're learning to blanche and freeze .... looking for a big chest freezer .... collecting old pallets for compost bins .... setting up water butts ....

                          and then come the chickens ....
                          OMG!! Ive already recycled an old plastic tomato tub for cress, used loo roll middles for beans and sweet peas, researched lovely big chest freezers and got my pallets leaning againest the fence for my compost bin!!!
                          There really is no hope.......

                          (and Im having so much fun it should be illegal!!)


                          • #28
                            start saving jam jars (with the lids!) and wine bottles ..... you'll need them one day ....

                            i got a lovely big chest freezer from freecycle .... and a couple of wine racks .... and loads of winemaking equipment .... i have loads of ice cream and margarine tubs saved up for storing the fruit (raspberries / sliced apples etc) in the freezer ....
                            i have LOADS of fruit in the freezer already .... loads of jars of jam and chutney in the cupboard .... will start making the first batch of wine this weekend ....


                            • #29
                              You'll be asking for B&Q vouchers for Christmas so you can buy guttering or fence posts! You'll knock on the doors of complete strangers who have a skip in their drive to ask if you can 'liberate' stuff, you'll get absurdly excited when you find someone who will supply you with well-rotted horse manure ... and you will save birthday and Christmas money towards a greenhouse rather than designer handbags and the like ... everyone is right ... you are probably already addicted. You will take photos of your allotment, you will write a blog (just for yourself, as an allotment/gardening diary) ...


                              • #30
                                That's only the start. When you run out of space in the garden, you'll want an allotment, which opens up a whole new universe. You'll need a big shed with lots of shelves, an old arm chair or two, table, radio, gas stove, camping kettle, cups............Then there's the polytunnel, greenhouse, fruit cage, compost bins.................divorce lawyer !!!!!

                                If it ain't broke, don't fix it and if you ain't going to eat it, don't kill it


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