..........stopped by the fact that I managed to sprain my wrist moving a 100ltr bag of Compost! and then managed to use it all so ran out! so Im in a slight bit of pain today but it should all be well worth it and I will pick up some more Compost and buckets later from work (7 hour manual job with a sprained wrist should be interesting!)
So far I have planted up
4 bags of potatoes
cherry tomatoes
I have a little veg bed set, the potatoes are in bags, everything else is in the greenhouse and I still have carrots and leeks to plant out and a packet of swede but it says they are too early yet
I have trimmed back all the plants in the garden and removed dead leaves, trimmed the blueberry bush back but I think I will need to repot this asap but it has plenty of new growth on it and the rhubarbs leafs are out grabbing all the sun they can.
I'm wondering if anyone else has any suggestions for things to grow that are relatively easy and like a sunny spot as I pretty much still have an empty veg bed ( exactly the same as the one in picture 1 that needs filling up still.
I'm thinking peas might be a good idea and i might get some tumbling toms to fill up the two hanging baskets at the front of my house as the other cherry toms I have are miliano(?) and I dont think they'd grow in there.
Are there any other fruit plants I could plant out?
My front garden gets a fair bit of sun in the afternoon whereas my back garden gets it all day until about 6pm.
Any suggestions greatly appreciated.
<<< this is the veg bed with onions, lettuce and Broccoli in with the rhubarb and blueberries next to it. I have an empty veg bed like this to put out once I get more compost
<<< some of the seedlings in the greenhouse
<<< bags of spuds
So far I have planted up
4 bags of potatoes
cherry tomatoes
I have a little veg bed set, the potatoes are in bags, everything else is in the greenhouse and I still have carrots and leeks to plant out and a packet of swede but it says they are too early yet
I have trimmed back all the plants in the garden and removed dead leaves, trimmed the blueberry bush back but I think I will need to repot this asap but it has plenty of new growth on it and the rhubarbs leafs are out grabbing all the sun they can.
I'm wondering if anyone else has any suggestions for things to grow that are relatively easy and like a sunny spot as I pretty much still have an empty veg bed ( exactly the same as the one in picture 1 that needs filling up still.
I'm thinking peas might be a good idea and i might get some tumbling toms to fill up the two hanging baskets at the front of my house as the other cherry toms I have are miliano(?) and I dont think they'd grow in there.
Are there any other fruit plants I could plant out?
My front garden gets a fair bit of sun in the afternoon whereas my back garden gets it all day until about 6pm.
Any suggestions greatly appreciated.
<<< this is the veg bed with onions, lettuce and Broccoli in with the rhubarb and blueberries next to it. I have an empty veg bed like this to put out once I get more compost
<<< some of the seedlings in the greenhouse
<<< bags of spuds