What can I grow under/around raspberries, redcurrants and other fruit bushes? They are not really "bushes" yet, more like glorified sticks, but as I'm expecting them to grow there's a lot of space between them. I was thinking mint, just because I like mint and berries, but it's probably too tall for this year (unless there are low varieties?). I know it spreads, but I'd rather weed mint than most other plants. Any other ideas, preferably edible? It has to tolerate partial shade, too. Otherwise I'll just mulch, but it seems a waste of space.
One side of the garden has a hawthorn hedge. It's not very well cared for, and not very hedge-y, more like a row of little trees with huge gaps. Someone has told me to cut back the bottom halves to make them spread out more (the top half is better). Is this right? And is there anything I can plant in the gaps in the meantime to make it a bit... hedgier? Some kind of climbing flower would be nice, but nothing so vigorous and clingy that it'd kill the hawthorn. (I'm kind of regretting ripping out all the brambles, but it was too hard to see which ones were only within the hedge and which were encroaching onto the garden, so I went in all guns blazing!)
This is my first year with a garden and I have no idea what I'm doing so I would really appreciate any advice! Thanks
One side of the garden has a hawthorn hedge. It's not very well cared for, and not very hedge-y, more like a row of little trees with huge gaps. Someone has told me to cut back the bottom halves to make them spread out more (the top half is better). Is this right? And is there anything I can plant in the gaps in the meantime to make it a bit... hedgier? Some kind of climbing flower would be nice, but nothing so vigorous and clingy that it'd kill the hawthorn. (I'm kind of regretting ripping out all the brambles, but it was too hard to see which ones were only within the hedge and which were encroaching onto the garden, so I went in all guns blazing!)
This is my first year with a garden and I have no idea what I'm doing so I would really appreciate any advice! Thanks
