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When is it safe to plant out Beans and Peas?


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  • When is it safe to plant out Beans and Peas?

    Hi all

    has anyone planted out any times of beans or peas?

    I have the following in pots

    Pea sugar snap, Dwarf French bean cropper tepee, Climbing French bean cobra,
    Runner bean scarlett emperor, Runner bean moonlight

    they have gone crazy, some of the French runners are about 3 feet high on windowsills and the wife is not amused.

    with the weather forecast looking wet and cold ie near freezing in my area (Hertfordshire, North London) for the next 2 weeks dare I risk getting these in the ground?

    I have a greenhouse as an initial option but on cold nights thats only marginally warmer than outside

    what is everyone else doing? risk it or wait


    a still too eager new veg gardener

  • #2
    I think you might have bee a bit previous with your sowing. Beans are really cold sensitive for example and you don't plan for them to go out until after the last frost. I'm sure people like Two Sheds and Zaz will be along to help you any time soon, if they are not already out gardening - I'm only here 'cos I was checking the weather. I think you are going to have to get them outside and begin a very careful hardeing off using fleece/bubble wrap.

    Be prepared to have to plant some more.
    Last edited by marchogaeth; 15-04-2012, 08:29 AM.
    "A life lived in fear is a life half lived."

    PS. I just don't have enough time to say hello to everyone as they join so please take this as a delighted to see you here!


    • #3
      peas can go out.
      the beans, nope, not without protection [check your last frost date, they can go out after that]
      First and last frost dates for towns and cities in the UK and USA


      • #4
        My beans are a foot tall, in root trainers- just potted them into flower buckets in my greenhouse. Will bring them in tonight as we're due a frost. My main beams haven't been sown yet- this lot are to save the seed from, so started them a bit early to hopefully dry them.

        As they're In pots, if it's too wet they'll go in my GH if they're not drying late in the season.


        • #5
          I am in Cambs and have sown my beans today, the dwarf one sin pots and the tall ones in loo rolls - to go in cold g/h and will be planted out in a few weeks.


          • #6
            Not sure how your peas will cope as they've been reared indoors. I chitted mine first and then put in loo rolls outside, about 6" tall and now coming with me to the lottie to be rehomed..
            the fates lead him who will;him who won't they drag.

            Happiness is not having what you want,but wanting what you have.xx


            • #7
              Originally posted by marchogaeth View Post
              Two Sheds and Zaz will be along
              Just had a peep at mine: they've just broken the surface of the compost in the unheated gh

              Originally posted by Brentalist View Post
              some of the French runners are about 3 feet high
              French and Runners are different ...

              Anyhoo, yes, you've been a bit premature Beginners enthusiasm, we've all done it. Frenchies and runners are from steamy South America: they don't like cold British nights one bit. You can't put them out until it's at least 10c day and night, preferably 15c day and night.

              You might think it's OK to pop them out a bit early, but they'll be checked (stopped). Been there, done that. It really is best to wait until conditions are favourable, now you've got them this far


              Oh, and do you like kidney/butter beans? Save some of your beans to maturity and eat them dried, nom
              All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


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