Given that last month (and it sounds like this month too) was very grey and wet what sort of effect will this have on anything trying to grow in the veggie patch/etc?
Its my first year growing anything so I really dont know what to expect!! I mean my strawberries are flowering well, the fruit bushes look a little weedy (do they spring to life later or just not grow much their first year??), also got some little seedlings (salad crops, beetroot, spinach, plus brassicas) coming up but Im not sure what I should expect....
The only thing that seems really happy in the garden is the slugs!!

Its my first year growing anything so I really dont know what to expect!! I mean my strawberries are flowering well, the fruit bushes look a little weedy (do they spring to life later or just not grow much their first year??), also got some little seedlings (salad crops, beetroot, spinach, plus brassicas) coming up but Im not sure what I should expect....
The only thing that seems really happy in the garden is the slugs!!
