Hi all. I've cleared the jungle, cleared half the plot and planted some onions and have early potatoes sprouting ready to go in. The other allotment holders have told me that I'm not too late for earlies in this bit of Yorkshire so I'm persevering.
My soil is broken and I'm still pulling out taproots etc but I am determined to grow something this year. As I've cleared a good size plot am I better roughly dividing it into 4 in order to rotate stuff next year, or should I just enjoy myself by planting a mix of stuff as I clear more ground? Its just I'm getting really confused when I try to follow my original plans of brassicas, legumes, roots etc and am scared that I won't get round to growing anything.
I'm giving the other half of the plot over to wild annual flowers and buckwheat for this season for the bees and green manure. Is this a good idea?
My soil is broken and I'm still pulling out taproots etc but I am determined to grow something this year. As I've cleared a good size plot am I better roughly dividing it into 4 in order to rotate stuff next year, or should I just enjoy myself by planting a mix of stuff as I clear more ground? Its just I'm getting really confused when I try to follow my original plans of brassicas, legumes, roots etc and am scared that I won't get round to growing anything.

I'm giving the other half of the plot over to wild annual flowers and buckwheat for this season for the bees and green manure. Is this a good idea?