How do you make use of soil that's full of coal dust? They used to sell coal out of this house until the early eighties when my in-laws bought it. It was stacked around the back where the patio now is. MIL says she's tried digging a flower bed before and they all gave up quite quickly. But, the cracks in the paving are full of healthy weeds and grass, so it can't be that unsuitable for plant life. I don't want to dig it all out and replace it, I want to work with what's there. If the weeds are thriving, and this is about five years after MIL's failed attempt, should I risk planting something into it? I don't mind adding a little compost for them, I'm not cruel, haha! Or any ideas on how to purify the soil with plants (probably weeds)? There's got to be some way to make use of it as I know people used to add coal (ashes?) to their gardens on purpose. I don't even know what properties coal has as a soil conditioner/contaminant, just that it's "good" or "bad" 
I'd appreciate any ideas, especially any experience

I'd appreciate any ideas, especially any experience
