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What am I doing wrong?


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  • What am I doing wrong?

    First year growing my own. First things I sowed in pots and in the ground in March - Beetroot.
    I have lots of green and purple leaves but nothing resembling an actual beetroot. I have pulled up a few and all I have are long roots.
    Is it me ? The weather? Any ideas anyone please? I apprecaite the help - Thank you x
    Newbie but learning fast.

  • #2
    It probably got more water than it needed, so the leaves grew, but the root didn't plump up. Sow more


    • #3
      You can sow beetroot till the end of july easy so as Taff said........sow more . I am .
      S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
      a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

      You can't beat a bit of garden porn


      • #4
        Just keep sewing every couple of weeks. We are having freaky weather so I don't think you are doing anything wrong. Growing your own is a steep learning curve. At least the drought is over...for now.


        • #5
          You're not leaving it long enough.


          • #6
            I agree with rustylady. They grow away and seem to 'bulk up' towards the end of the growing season.

            Plant more if you wish, but don't discard your earlier sowing. You may be surprised.

            Cheers, Tony.
            Semper in Excrementem Altitvdo Solvs Varivs.


            • #7
              My first year too and I was going under the assumption that the roots swelling was the last thing that root veggies did! (at least I hope so as my beetroot and carrots are non exsistant and the radishes took forever to bulk up!!). Ive just sown some more under my baby brassicas and in tubs and am hoping that things will pick up when it gets abit warmer and sunnier.
              Ironically it doesnt seem to be a good year to get your feet wet in the world of GYO!!LOL


              • #8
                You can eat the beetroot leaves in salad, so they don't need top be wasted...

                If the river hasn't reached the top of your step, DON'T PANIC!


                • #9
                  A friend of mine in his 78th year has been gardening all his adult life. By his reckoning this is the most challenging year he can remember weatherwise.

                  All you people new to GYO take heart it will all be down hill after this year.

                  Potty by name Potty by nature.

                  By appointment of VeggieChicken Member of the Nutters club.

                  We hang petty thieves and appoint great ones to public office.

                  Aesop 620BC-560BC



                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Potstubsdustbins View Post
                    A friend of mine in his 78th year has been gardening all his adult life. By his reckoning this is the most challenging year he can remember weatherwise.

                    All you people new to GYO take heart it will all be down hill after this year.

                    i agree with you..this is my first year to gyo and everything i harvest is a victory...
                    btw my beetroot were like yours and to be honest when i went in holiday last week i noticed that some of them are gettin big.. i know that they haven't be watered and the weather was dry...
                    Attached Files


                    • #11
                      Your lifting the beetroots too should be able to run your finger around the top to see what size they are. My leaves are about 9" tall but no where near lifting.
                      sigpic�Gorillas are very intelligent, but they don't have to be as delicate as chimps -- they can just smash open the termite nest,�
                      Official Member Of The Nutters Club - Rwanda Branch.
                      Sent from my ZX Spectrum with no predictive text..........
                      KOYS - King Of Yellow Stickers..............


                      • #12
                        9" leaves eh? get you!!! Most of mine have been chomped so I haven't even seen the seedlings....


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by sarah_rance View Post
                          I have pulled up a few
                          Originally posted by Bigmallly View Post
                          Your lifting the beetroots too should be able to run your finger around the top to see what size they are.
                          I was going to say that, although I got my wrist slapped last time I mentioned it ~ apparently it's an 'advanced' tip, not suitable for beginners. Ho hum.

                          If you fancy it, it works for carrots, parsnips and other rooty stuff too. Saves sacrificing any
                          All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Two_Sheds View Post
                            I was going to say that, although I got my wrist slapped last time I mentioned it ~ apparently it's an 'advanced' tip, not suitable for beginners. Ho hum.

                            If you fancy it, it works for carrots, parsnips and other rooty stuff too. Saves sacrificing any
                            I don't recall using the word 'advanced' but as you said...ho hum. My point was that, as a beginner, seeing the width of a root veg wouldn't give me any indication of the length so I elected to pull one, but - apparently, I shouldn't have done that, so I 'got my wrist slapped'. It's all a matter of perspective, isn't it?

                            For what it's worth, I have since used your method for checking on a couple of parsnips, they're about 3/4" across the top. I still have no idea how long to leave them in for but I would like them to be thicker than that, so they will stay in a while longer just yet.

                            Tried and Tested...but the results are inconclusive


                            Honorary member of the nutters club, by appointment of VeggieChicken


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by sarah_rance View Post
                              I have lots of green and purple leaves but nothing resembling an actual beetroot. I have pulled up a few and all I have are long roots.
                              Is it me ? The weather?
                              you need to leave them much longer .... and if the weather is bad (as it has been for many of us this year), then even longer than normal ....
                              bear in mind that seed packets might say "ready in 6 weeks" on some things, but that will only happen in "perfect" growing conditions .... it's ready when it's ready ....

                              Originally posted by kentishgal View Post
                              Ironically it doesnt seem to be a good year to get your feet wet in the world of GYO!!LOL
                              this year is really bad for me .... i've lost far too much due to the cold and wet .... don't let poor results this year deter you next year ....

                              Originally posted by Pa Snips View Post
                              For what it's worth, I have since used your method for checking on a couple of parsnips, they're about 3/4" across the top. I still have no idea how long to leave them in for
                              the missus bought some parsnips in sainsburys and although i'd seen them loads of times in the shop, i hadn't realised just how thick they are at the top compared to carrots .... i realised we'd planted them far too close together, so we split them into individual pots .... 6" wide, 10" deep .... they're really taking off, should get a good crop from them .... she's the only one who eats them, so i think we've got just enough to get through next winter .... would like more so i can make some parsnip wine but can't see her letting me brew her favourite veg ....


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