Spent yesterday digging over our vegetable plot.
its about 100 square foot in all. Roughly 12' long and 8' wide. Not huge but we've decided to leave it at that for this year. what with the greenhouse and pots and baskets etc we dont feel like we're overfacing ourselves.
I'm getting a bit twitchy that stuff should be going in. However reading my brand new herb and veg expert book, the soil should have been started in the winter and i should be enriching it and waiting a couple of weeks before planting.
In my mind, I was going to wander down the nursery mid week, buy a few sacks of something suitable, dig it all in and then spend next weekend organising the first stuff in and a bit of a timetable for the rest. I like to pretend i know what I'm doing!
We're thinking potatoes (not main crop), sweetcorn, runner beans (there's a frame with 10 x 6' poles in place), onions, cabbages. Plus we're open minded to anything else.
So questions:-
What d'you think I should be bunging in the soil to enrich? General compost? Manure?
Should I wait then to plant? Or am I missing my window of opportunity for planting?
10 canes of runner beans seems like an awful lot. If I did half runners and half something else - whats a good something else? Not peas though - got a special place for them!
Thta's it really. Although I'm swiftly beginning to see that timing and logistics in grow your owning must be a complete art. And ratios! I mean, is it one bean plant per cane? How many sweetcorns will I get from a plant? Making sure you've crops coming through in stages to keep larder full...where d'you learn that from?
its about 100 square foot in all. Roughly 12' long and 8' wide. Not huge but we've decided to leave it at that for this year. what with the greenhouse and pots and baskets etc we dont feel like we're overfacing ourselves.
I'm getting a bit twitchy that stuff should be going in. However reading my brand new herb and veg expert book, the soil should have been started in the winter and i should be enriching it and waiting a couple of weeks before planting.
In my mind, I was going to wander down the nursery mid week, buy a few sacks of something suitable, dig it all in and then spend next weekend organising the first stuff in and a bit of a timetable for the rest. I like to pretend i know what I'm doing!
We're thinking potatoes (not main crop), sweetcorn, runner beans (there's a frame with 10 x 6' poles in place), onions, cabbages. Plus we're open minded to anything else.
So questions:-
